24 APRIL 1841, Page 10

The newest of the many fallacious reports about the President

is that. it has actually been heard of at Bermuda. A letter was received last night, by Mr. Green, a merchant of London, from his brother at Bris- tol; on the outside of which was written, in pencil, "A vessel, from Bermuda, which has arrived at Waterford, brings accounts of the Pre- sident being off that island." This account, however, has been ascer- tained to be groundless. No vessel has arrived from Bermuda ; and had any such intelligence as that mentioned been received, it would have been communicated officially to Lloyd's, with the utmost speed. Whether the report be true or not, it is now supposed that if the vessel have not perished, she must have gone to Bermuda, or one of the West India islands. In the latter case, intelligence of her may be expected by the West India packet, now due.

A correspondent of the Brighton Gazette mentions the finding of a yawl, twenty feet long, and painted green, within two days' sail of New' York, and a fragment of a large vessel on the 25th; which would seem. to show that a ship of some consequence has been lost in that quarter.