24 APRIL 1847, Page 12



A considerable amount of business occurred on Tuesday; the demand for Con- sols for investment being so great that the jobbers found difficulty in providing Stock enough to supply. it. Hence the price improved; Consols for Money having been as high as 87i. Stock has since become more abundant; and as the Bank Directors still continue their cantious course, refusing almost every accommoda- tion in the shape of discount, prices have declined, and are today nearly one per cent below the quotation given above. About 500,0001. in bullion was sent to America by the last packet: this induced a belief that the Bank Directors would yesterday have increased their rate of discount; but they did not, and the rate still continues at 5 per cent. In Lombard Street 6 per cent may be quoted as the current rate of discount, and there is no disposition for large transactions even at that price; so general is the belief that the pressure for money has not yet reached its climax. As an instance of this feeling, we may cite the fact that a bill of one of the first mercantile houses in London, having five months to run, was with difficulty discounted at 8 per cent. There is still a very general disposition among the monied public to purchase stock at the low prices; and the market is thus supported against the pressure of the large speculative sales which continu- ally occur. The predominance of large and influential operations of the latter character today, has completely changed the previous appearance of improvement; occasioning a fall of if per cent in the course of the morning, and producing the decline already noticed. Exchequer Bills have fallen to 2a. discount. Bank Stock has fluctuated between 193 and 195, and is last quoted at 194. In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been of a very limited character. The improvement in the prices in Holland, in conjunction with the firmness of the English Funds, tended to cause a trifling advance in many of the Foreign Bonds;' but with the alteration in our own market, prices have again declined, and may generally be quoted rather below those given in our last report. The Railway Shares have continued much in the same state as the Foreign Stock Market. The transactions have been unimportant, and the disposition to ad- vance has been checked by the retrograde movement in Consols; prices being nearly as last week, while the market must be considered heavy at current quo- tations. In the Foreign Shares, the only occurrence worthy of note is an advance in those of the Orleans and Vierzon line: but with this exception, prices, which had advanced a little, have nearly all fallen back again to our last quotations.


At the commencement of business there was a general disposition to sell, and under its operation Consols for Money fell to 86, and for Account to 86k. The market is without any indication of improvement; the prices now being 861 for Money, and 861 # forAccount. The accounts of the Bank of England still exhibit indications of decrease in almost every department. In the Banking department the public deposits have been diminished to the extent of nearly 2,000,0001.; the private deposits about 1,250,0001.; and a corresponding diminution has been effected under the head of "GovernMent and other Securities." In the Issue de- partment, both the note circulation and the amount of bullion have been dimin- ished by 435,2401. The Foreign Bonds are without material change. The Rail- way Shares are all lower; the business occurring has not been extensive, but in almost every instance the quotations indicate a decline in prices. The following are the only bargains as yet recorded: Caledonian, Half-shares, 44; Chester and Holyhead, 22; Eastern Counties, 181 1; Ditto, York Ex- tension, 5; Great Western, New Fifths, 71; London and Brighton, 50/ 4; Ditto, Consolidated Eighths, 11; North-western, 170 69; South-western, 63; Ditto, New Consolidated Eighths, 47; Ditto, . Scrip, 44; Midland, New 401. Shares, 361. paid, 36; Ditto, 501. Shares, 21. paid, 31; Ditto, Birmingham and Der- by, 90; Newcastle and Berwick,141; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 31; North Stafford- shire, 64


The. English Stocks have fallen slightly in the course of the day, and close at the lowest price: Consols for Money have been as low as 851, and for Account as 86; they close at 851 6 for Money, and 804 for Account. Bank Stock has been done at 193. The indisposition to discount still continues in Lombard Street. The rate is nominally 6 per cent; but any large transactions are impossible. In the Foreign Market business has occurred in the following varieties. Brazilian at 83; Grenada at 1911; Mexican at 201 31; Portuguese at 34; Spanish Active at 241; Three per Cents at 351 4; Dutch Two-and-half per Cents at 581; and Dutch Five per Cents at 891 9 and 891. The business in Railway Shares has not been extensive. It will seen by the following list of transactions that have oc- curred since the morning, that an improvement may be noticed in some or the va- rieties, notwithstanding the decline in the English Funds. Ambergate, Notts, and Roston, 11 k; Caledonian, 24 3 41; Ditto, Half-shares, 14 1; Chester and Holyhead, 22; Eastern Counties, 18111; Edinburgh and Glasgow, Half-shares, 18; Great-western, 114; Ditto, Half-shares, 68; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 17; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 261; Hull and Selby, Quarter-shares, 23; Lancaster and Carlisle, 60; London and North-western, 170 69 711; Ditto, Quarters, 114 4; Ditto, Fifths, 16; London and Brighton, 5044 ; London and South-western, 631; Midland, 112 114; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 90 89; South-eastern and Dover, 351; Ditto, New, No. 4, 5; York and North Midland, 821 2; Ditto, Half-shares, 40; Boulogne and Amiens, 161 1; Luxembourg, 11; Namur and Liege, 41; Orleans and Vierzon, 15; Paris and Lyons, Constituted,4 5; Paris and Rouen, 364; Paris

and Strasbourg. Constituted, 2; Rouen and Havre, 261; Sambre and Meuse, 51.

3 per Cent Consols 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents 851 6 864 841 5 861 7 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents...1846 86 7 581 891 204

Long Annuities

8 15-16 9-16 New Grenada 19 21 Bank Stock 193 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 331 41 Exchequer Bills, 3 din. Par. Peruvian 38 40 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 1094 104 Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 244 Belgian 44 per Cents 954 61 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842


Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent ... 39 41 Venezuela 39 41 ChM= 6 per Cents 91 3