24 APRIL 1880, Page 1

It is curious enough to observe the complete collapse not

only of the Liberal cabal against Mr. Gladstone, but even of the Tory outcry that he is so formidable and dangerous. The Standard, it is true,—one of the very best and most impartial papers of the day, though it remains strictly Conservative, and has no sort of Liberal leanings,—has never joined in this outcry, and has always done full justice to the national position of Mr. Gladstone, and his great influence with the people. But now even the Times, the Daily Telegraph, the Edinburgh Review, and the Quarterly Review,—we speak of the latter only on the autho- rity of the Times, for we have not yet received the new number, —are all resigned to the restoration of Mr. Gladstone to power, though hardly, as yet, disposed to exult over that event. The exultation, however, may well come in time. When "plain Whig principles " prove so easy as they do, principles which are less plain may well prove easy also. The Pall Mall Gazette is very angry at this weakness ; and attributes the Standard's attitude to a sinister wish for the failure of the Liberal Govern- ment. But, unfortunately, the Standard not only is, but long has been, so much more fair to Liberals and Liberalism than the Pall Mall, that the explanation is absurd. If there la sinister wishes anywhere, we know where to find them.