24 APRIL 1880, Page 1

Sir Donald Stewart, according to a telegram of April 23rd

to the Times, has entered Ghuznee, after a sharp engagement with the tribesmen. They attacked him to the number of 15,000 men on the 19th inst. with the greatest fury, 3,000 swordsmen rushing upon the troops and outflanking both ends of the line. The engagement lasted an hour, and the enemy were not de- feated till after 1,000 dead bodies had been strewed on the plain. The British lost 17 killed and 115 wounded, among the latter of whom are six officers, one, Lieutenant Young, of the 19th Bengal Lancers, dangerously. The cavalry were unable to pursue, as there was danger to the long line of baggage ; but Sir Donald continued his march, and entered Ghuznee on the 20th inst. Nothing is said of the movements of the enemy, and subsequent accounts will probably show that the army was in serious danger, though the Afghans, fighting in the open, were unable to stand up against the weapons of precision. Ghuznee, however, is in our hands, and our military prestige is fully redeemed, by the capture of every fortress in Eastern Afghanistan. We can, therefore, act without fearing any misapprehension as to our military prowess.