24 APRIL 1897, Page 9

Devonshire Wills. By Charles Worthy. (Bemrose and Sons.) —This volume

contains some heindrede ,of "annotated tests- mentary abstracts," ranging in point of time over about two centuries and a half (from the sixteenth century). The chief value of these is of course genealogical. Without wills indeed the genealogists would be sadly at a loss. Now and then we get incidentally some curious information about prices. In 1667 six steers, four heifers, and two yearlings are valued at £30; and three horses with their harness at .29. About the same time in another inventory we find five hogsheads of eider priced at .R6 (with their casks). The price seems high in comparison with that of other articles, not less than 4d. per gallon. Wethers are valued at 12s. each, and sheep at Os. The second part of the book gives an account of the "Gentle Houses of the West." Curiously enough the Boilers do not appear among them.