24 APRIL 1909, Page 17


SINCE we last wrote the whole situation at Constantinople has been radically changed. On Friday week we described Constantinople in the possession of a mutinous soldiery and a reactionary mob, with the Sultan, the old regime, and the Old Turks apparently triumphant. The soldiers, inspired by religious fanaticism, had murdered those of their officers who were believed to belong to the party of liberty, were acclaiming the Sultan and terrorising the Parliament, while the members of the Committee of Union and Progress were flying for their lives. Seven days have changed the whole aspect of affairs. Instead of the Sultan triumphant and the cause of the Young Turks in ruins, we find Shevket Pasha, a General who has the complete confidence, and may indeed be described as the instrument, of the Committee of Union and Progress, outside Constantinople with a splendidly equipped army of some thirty thousand men, ready the moment the word is given to occupy the capital, and to exact an exemplary punishment from those who were false to their oaths and their military duty, and who brought about the counter-revolution and the wholesale

murders of ten days ago. •