24 APRIL 1909, Page 40


[Under !hie heading we naiad suck Books of 1ii weak ao has. not bean rsservod for VIVi/10 in athar forme.]

The Old Testantent in Greek. Edited by Alan England Brooke, B.D., and Norman McLean, M.A. Vol. I., Part II. (Cambridge University Press, 12s. 6c1. net.)—This is the second instalment of this edition of the Septuagint text, and contains the books of Exodus and Leviticus. Two more parts will complete the work (the Oetateuch). Never before has the text been so elaborately studied. It is sufficient to look at the critical notes, which occupy more than half of each page. When the smaller size of the typo is considered, the notes probably exceed the text in the proportion of two to ono. From time to time quotations from the New Testament are given. So Exodus ii. 5-11 and 13-22 are illustrated by quotations from the speech of Stephen before the Sanhodrim, and 11-12 of the same chapter by Hebrews xi. 24.