24 APRIL 1920, Page 15


[To TUB EDITOR or THF " SPFONSOft."3 Sts,—I give the following as related by my mother (the third Lady Lilford). She and my father, in company with the latter's cousin, Miss Lucy S--, were making a tour in Germany somewhere about the year 1832 (but I am not positive as to the exact date). They stayed some days at Coblenz, and whilst there obtained permission to visit the great fortress of Ehrenbreitstein, on the opposite side of the Rhine. As they were going up the steep ascent one of the sentries posted along the route came forward and demanded their permit to view. He no sooner appeared than Miss S—, seizing my mother's arm, exclaimed : " Why good gracious, Mary, that man is the very living image of my brother Edward!" whilst at the same instant the sentry, seeing her, cried out : " Oh! meine Schwester ! " and with outstretched arms made as though to embrace her. Of course they were absolute strangers to each