24 APRIL 1920, Page 22

The Wisdom of Disraeli. Arranged by T. Comyn-Platt. (National Review.

2s. 6d. net.)—Lord Salisbury says, in a Preface to this neat little selection from Disraeli's speeches, that " no politicians will be the worse for studying these examples of his wisdom and many Unionist politicians will be very much the better." We may quote two passages which are certainly opportune :— " If you are to have a popular government, if you are to have a Parliamentary administration, the conditions antecedent are, that you should have a Government which declares the prin- ciples upon which its policy is founded, and then you can have on them the wholesome check of a constitutional Opposition.— House of Commons, April, 1845."

" Do not, because you see a great personage giving up his opinions—do not cheer him on ; do not yield so ready a reward to political tergiversation. Above all, maintain the line of demar- cation between parties ; for it is only by maintaining the inde- pendence of party that you can maintain the integrity of public men, and the power and influence of Parliament itself.—January, 1846."

Mr. Comyn-Platt quotes a few aphorisms or striking phrases at the end, unfortunately without citing the sources. Among them is the well-known remark that " The Key of India is in London."