23 APRIL 1942, Page 17

. , THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 163 IA Book Token for one

guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct saloon of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week. Emelopes ,houll be received not later than first post that day and must bear the " j.• Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp; Solutions must Fr on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution obi the name of the winner will .be published in the following issue.]

ACROSS t. Marksman who was invited

communicative.0,4.) 9.A light ship.

llaveltd garments.

Does the Scots baker sell under-


Music in the storehouse.

There are [we ways of taking this


Stampede for the liquor in Ireland. . Scottish gander?


Found in good haul, I surmise. "What is so — as a day in June? " (Lowell.) Castles in Spain? Strongholds over Germany rather. "When — hang by the wall And Dick the shepherd blows his mil." (Shakespeare.)

• Fine sort of performance. a mani- curist should put up. Are they bad inside?


They burn to serve. 0 no lard—on the contrary. Weber issued one to a dance. "My advocation is not now in tune;

--- is MD ." 4.) (Shakespeare.)

Lamb zone (snag.).

"Plucked by his hand, ,the bases!, seed Towers to a —.'" (Watson.)• This cape's altered. ID be 8.All is not gold that glister . x3. Amateur much in evidence just now.

14. The craft of Turner?

t6. " Getting Married."

18. " No Dolphin came, no Mired: Nor cruel Tom nor Susan beard." (Gray.)

20.Ban isle (snag.). 21. It sounds as though drink removes

24. Wnei-are not necessarily wise about their onions.

25. Secret bivalve.