24 APRIL 1953, Page 3

The Spectator

Next week the outward appearance of the Spectator will be altered. It will have a cover, in two colours, displaying a list .of the main contents. The opening page of the News of the Week will also appear in a new and rather less crowded form than at present. These will be the first of a planned series of changes in the format of the paper. Two weeks later, the Spectator of May 15th will be a special 125th Anniversary Number. Contributors will include Maurice Ashley, Alan Bullock, Edward Crankshaw, Roger Fulford, Lord Halsbury, Jacquetta Hawkes, Professor J. E. Neale, Sir Harold Nicolson, Sir Maurice Powicke, Peter Quennell, A. L. Rowse, Sir Frank Stenton, Christopher Sykes and Professor Norman Sykes.