24 AUGUST 1833, Page 1

The spirits of the Miguelite party in this country have

been cheered by the recent accounts from Portugal: Mars -}k9na- koNi has raised the siege of Oporto, and is actuall ' Oltiit41•Act to Lisbon. How far he has advanced in that direct en(and.wteit. is the real number of the troops who followed httti; f. 1-41' points. The Globe of last night states, on the 4. latest accounts from Lisbon, that he had reachedt one hundred and thirty miles from the capital), with a force of eight thousand men. It was expected that he would be joined by the troops under CADAVAL, MOLELLOS, and others, by which his army would be swelled, according to one account, to fifteen thousand, by another to upwards of twenty thousand men. In the course of a few days, we shall probably have some important news ; as speedy and decisive success must be necessary to MIGUEL in the present posture of his affairs. It is not proba- ble that he will want the materiel of war. The intercepted corre- spondence of his agent in London with his Ministers in Portugal roves, that not only the Duke of WELLINGTON, and Lords alliRESFORD, ABERDEEN, and STUART DE ROTHSAY, take a lively Interest in his success, but that the despotic Governments on the Continent, more especially those of Austria and Spain, consider that he is fighting their battle, and would therefore not hesitate to assist him effectually at this crisis.

Meanwhile, active preparations are making for the defence of lasbon. The latest intelligence relative to the proceedings of _Don PEDRO is contained in an extract from a letter written by an itdicer in the Queen's army, dated August lath, and published in the Globe. It should be borne in mind that the statements are those of a partisan.

" We are repairing the outworks and batteries raised in the year 1810, to de- fend Lisbon at Senhora do Monte," Sacavem, Alto do Varejao, &c. ; so that in a few days we shall be able to stand against Bourmont if he really thinks of re- taking the capital. General Saldauha is to join us with 4,000 men if Bourmont Crosses the Montiego ; and Colonel Pacheco comes from Oporto with his divi- clon to Peniche, to manoeuvre in the rear or on the tight flank of the Miguelites. Stich is the plan of Schwalback, who commands under Villa Flor. Be- tides the division of Villa Flor, now more than 5,000 men strong, we mus- ter already 10,000 militia and volunteers, and in general our forces are in- sfreasing every day. The party of the Bonapartists have triumphed over the Marquis of Palmella, because he is opposed to the intended alliance of the young Queen with the Ex-Empress's brother. The nomination of M. Can- Ado Jose Xavier to the Foreign Department, and that of the Intendent-General of the Police, have met with general disapprobation. The Duke of Cadaval left his people at Obidos and Caldas, and went to Don Miguel's head-quarters. Vie want arms : the Birmingham people must be diligent. The Bishop of Al- garves was sent to prison,--a questionable measure, for he has always been an Jaonest man. The Count of Porto Sancho is in great favour with Don Pedro."

In the intercepted Miguelite correspondence alluded to above, the English Conservatives cut a prominent and discreditable figure. The wily Senhor SARA.IYA. appears to have fathomed the mystery of the Earl of ABERDEENS new-born affection for his "Monster." His Lordship was desirous of showing off in Parlia- mient with the information which he obtained from this Miguelite agent. The following passage is amusing; and the publication of it must be highly gratify ing to the " travelled Thane." It is co- tied from a letter to the Duke DE CADAVAL, dated May -the 10th; ,And appeared in yesterday's Times

"'Beresford told me that the Earl of Aberdeen had complained of not having

iseemme fur some time 1 Went presently to Aberdeen who riceived me, as ever, very well ; commenced making inquiries, to which I gave the best replies in my power, assisted by my pi ivate information. Amongst others,—, With what disposition and on what footing Lord William Russell stood towards our Government ?' Official foundation for a reply caret in this legation. Why they kept the King at Braga—that is, neither in the court nor with the army, when he should be with the latter, that lie might be seen, and assist at something every day ?' Answer to this there is none, &c. fle spoke likewise of our navy. I told him the proposition we were about to carry into sflixt ; which he much approved of, but he insisted there was no time to be lost. I informed hint about our loan, of the conduct of Hoppner, and many other things; and I know that he desires at this moment to have grounds for making a speech in Parliament respecting us; but he and the others are afraid to open their mouths upon that subject, from shame—from pure shame of taking any interest, or of associating in any way with the people of such in- capacity as the Miguelites who direct affairs have shown themselves to be."

In one point the Portuguese does "ABERDEEN5" as he familiarly terms our late Foreign Secretary, injustice. He was not at all eishamed to appear as an advocate of MIGUEL in the British Par- liament.

• In the maps, Penha de France.