24 AUGUST 1833, Page 10


A meeting of the inhabitants of Dublin, very numerously and re- vectably attended, was held at the Chamber of Commerce on Satur-

day last; In order to consider the claims of the antlbrets by the fire at

the Customhouse upon the Government for compensation ; when it Was resolved that a deputation of merchant% accompanied by the mermo

hers for the City of Dublin, shottld proceed to London to lay their case before Ministers. Mr. O'Connell• made a very popular speech on the occasion, declaring his- readiness to proceed forthwith to head- quarters_" it was not his fault that the bead-quarters were in London, and it would not be his fault if they remained there." He maintained the right of the sufferers to compensation, for a case of the grossest

neglect was made out against the officers in charge of the stores, and the Government was answerable for the consequences of that neglect. Thanks were voted to Mr. O'Connell before the meeting separated. On Sunday, Mr. O'Connell left Dublin for London ; where he ar- rived on Tuesday; and on Thursday he accompanied the deputation of merchants to the Treasury, and had an interview with Lord Althorp on the subject of the compensation claimed. The loss is now stated at about 140,0001.

On the Wednesday previous to his departure, Mr. O'Connell found time to attend a public meeting held for the purpose of making arrange- ments to construct the New Ship Canal from• Kingstown to Dublin. His speech on this occasion was free from personalities, and was ex- tremely well received. On Thursday, be again convened his constitu-

ents, and made them another temperate and conciliating speech, on the subject of Corporation abuses. At his suggestion, a committee of twenty-one citizens was appointed in order to manage the inquiry with spirit and industry..