24 AUGUST 1833, Page 10

The Report of the Stationery Committee has just been published.

It confirms the account of the deception practised by Sir John Key on Earl Grey, through his Secretary Mr. Charles Wood, relative to the age of his son. There can be no doubt also-that Sir John, and not his brother, was the actual contractor for the stationery. The Committee abstain from all comment on the transaction ; but their summary of the evidence goes to fix considerable blame upon Mr. Wood; who after having applied to Mr. Church, the Comptroller of the Stationery Office, for his opinion as to the qualifications required for a due per- formance of the duties of Inspector, appointed young Mr. Key, who was very deficient in those qualifications. The appointment, indeed, was made, as he himself declared, "in spite of Church." It does not ap- pear, however, that it was known at the Treasury who was the real or even nominal contractor for the stationery. But Mr. Church knew all about it, and said the affair. would "make a devil of a row." -Yet be did-not think it his duty to mention the connexion between Master Key and the contractor for stationery to Mr. Wood, as be had in- formed Mr. Atbutiniot, Mr. Wood's secretary, of ; but Mr. Arbuth- not thought the subject " a delicate one," and kept Mr. Church's com- munication to himself.

AU this shows a strange want of proper confidence between the officers of the Government. They do not work well together.