24 AUGUST 1833, Page 11

The Italians are uneasy under their present masters; and a

few of the more restless and daring spirits among them have been lately striving to form a combination among the principal cities for the purpose of overpowering the existing Governments, with.a view to establish a Federal Republic on their ruins. Some of the principal members of this revolutionary party have lately been in Paris, and applied for as- sistance to the French Government; but, as might be expected, they have received no encouragement in that quarter. One of their projects is to raise a loan, pledging the Church revenues of the Roman States as security for payment of the interest. The publicity which the scheme has already obtained is of itself sufficient to render its success almost impossible, even were it in other respects feasible and well- constructed. It has been surmised, and not without reason, that the Austrian Government secretly, by means of its tools, encourages the plot, and means to take advantage of it to strengthen its army in Italy.