24 AUGUST 1867, Page 2

The Bishop of Chester has published a reply to a

memorial addressed to him by 9,000 laity of his diocese, praying him to do what in him lies to prohibit Ritualism. The Bishop agrees in principle with the memorialists, but points out that there are grievances on two sides, and suggests that " while one school of thought in the Church should give up its extravagances, the other might be more exact and hearty in compliance with the directions of the Rubric." All the elm% *Ye 'to tick alike, and then everybody will know the extict The true object seems to be not to produce a 'dead uniformity, Which, if attainable, would be pernicious, but to allow and titett entourage as much variety as is consistent with certain cardinal doctrines of the Church of England, one of which certainly is that her service is not to symbolize the Real Presence. The man who leaves out the Athanasian Creed teaches nothing in so doing contrary to the central ideas of the Church which appoints and maintains him.