24 AUGUST 1889, Page 25

The Expositor. Edited by the Rev. W. Robertson Nicoll, M.A.

Vol. IX. Third Series. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—The portrait of this volume is of the eminent Hebraist, Dr. Cheyne. An account of his labours in Biblical criticism accompanies it. Among the other contents of a volume that fully maintains its high average of interest and value, we may mention a confession of faith by the veteran Franz Delitzsch, under the title of " The Deep Gulf between the Old Theology and the New;" and papers (part of a series) by Professor A. B. Bruce, on the Epistle to the Hebrews, and others ; also, in succession to what we have had in the preceding volume, on " Early Christian Monuments in Phrygia," by Professor W. M. Ramsay. Mr. T. G. Selby writes what seems to us a very fair answer to Professor Huxley's very dogmatic impeachment of the miracle of the swine at Gadara.