24 AUGUST 1895, Page 16


[To TIIE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—I often see interesting letters in the Spectator about dogs, and I thought perhaps your readers might care to hear about the best-known dog in Australia, and his curious mode of life. His name is Railway Bob,' and he passes his whole existence on the train, his favourite seat being on top of the coalbox. In this way he has travelled many thousands of miles, going over all the lines in South Australia. He is well known in Victoria, frequently seen in Sydney, and has been up as far as Brisbane The most curious part of his conduot is that he has no master, but every engine-driver is his friend. At night he follows home his engine-driver of the day, never leaving him, or letting him out of his eight until they are back in the railway-station in the morning, when he starts

off on another of his ceaseleas journeyings. I have not seen him on our line for some time; but noticed with regret last time he was in the station that he was showing signs of age, and limping as he walked.—I am, Sir, &c., ADELAIDE E. ORES WELL.

Largs Bay, Adelaide, South Australia.