24 AUGUST 1912, Page 2

The name and the military organization of the movement were

due to General Booth. The semi-military dress is said to have been the idea of his wife, a woman of saintly character and extraordinarily persuasive eloquence, whose qualities formed a remarkable complement to the ardour, the self- confidence, and the organizing genius of her husband. From "a sect professing crude doctrines taught by strange methods " the Salvation Army grew rapidly into "a world-wide spiritual and commercial enterprise "—to quote from the Times article. It was not enough for converts to profess penitence : the gospel of work was insisted on as the " way out " of " Darkest London," and in formulating his schemes General Booth secured the fiery pen of the late Mr. W. T. Stead. In their execution General Booth was for twenty years the prime agent, conducting missions in almost every part of the world, planting colonies at home and in the Dominions, and delivering endless addresses on his motor tours throughout the United Kingdom. In this long campaign he displayed unceasing energy ; his remarkable appearance, his homely humour, and his strong, personal magnetism made him a living force; and, though harassed by defections, he was in the main served with the utmost devotion by his followers, amongst whom his son and successor, Mr. Bramwell Booth, for the last thirty years Chief of his Staff, was the most prominent and able of his administrators.