24 AUGUST 1918, Page 1


THE Allied Armies in France continue their triumphant career. We might say, with Horace Walpole in 1759, that " we are forced to ask every morning what victory there is, for fear of missing one." The French have done great things on both sides of the Oise, and may be at Noyon before this paper reaches the reader. General Byng's Third Army has taken the field and won a very hard fought battle on the too familiar plateau north-west of Bapaume. Our Fourth Army has struck again on the Somme and our First Army in Flanders is steadily pushing on. Never before have so many sectors of the Western Front been violently agitated at one and the same time. And, as the Germans know, there are other Allied armies ready to begin. Marshal Foch, in his lectures at the Ecole de Guerre, always used to enforce the Napoleonic principle of giving the enemy no rest after a reverse. He is now applying that principle with a vengeance.