24 AUGUST 1918, Page 12


ITo rim EDITOR or rnz " Sezerwroa."7 cannot help thinking that an unfortunate little misprint has crept into Lord Esher's graceful article on "Translations" in last Saturday's Spectator. Surely " unfold " should be "enfold" in the second line of the last verse of Mr. Snow's beau- tiful rendering of Meleager's dirge. May I, through your columns, remind Lord Esher of Mr. Gladstone's Italian version of the well-known hymn, "'Sun of my Soul," which has been widely recognized as one of the. triumphs of translation ? It appeared, if my memory serves me, either in the Spectator or in the Nineteenth Century, to which he was, at one time, a frequent

Little Bounds, Fleet, Hampshire.

[We think. that ".enfold" is the right word. Mr. Gladstone's Italian version of " Sun of my Soul" appeared, we believe, in an early issue of the Review of Reviews, not in the Spectator.—ED. Spectator.)