24 AUGUST 1929, Page 2

The Cotton Trade The patience and determination of Sir Horace

Wilson have been rewarded. On Thursday, August 15th, the negotiating Committees of employers and operatives reached agreement, and so terminated the undignified broil in the Cotton Industry. An Arbitration Board was set up, to consider the application of the employers for the reduction of wages, under the chairmanship of Mr. Justice Swift -a Lancashire man. It was composed of two representatives from each side. Sir Arthur Balfour and Mr. C. T. Cramp, both skilled negotiators, - are once more called in to restore peace in industry. It is understood that pending an award wages are to be paid at the current rates. Conditions in Lancashire are therefore normal when we write. Sir Horace Wilson and his assistants have richly earned the appreciation which was expressed last week by all sections of the trade, and, indeed, of public opinion. We would add our tribute also to the efficient services of the Industrial Relations Department of the Ministry of Labour.