24 AUGUST 1929, Page 27

Nothing is more noticeable in modern life than a tendency

to study food values and a determination to see that the household dietary is rightly. apportioned. For those who feel that they generally eat too much meat, but are bewildered by substitutes with repellent names and of repulsive appearance, we can thoroughly recommend Attractive Food Reform, by Miss Maud Baines and Mr. Edgar Saxon (Daniel, 78. 6d.). There are hundreds of complete menus here, hosts of delectable salads, many useful hints for invalids' feeding, and an interesting and important set of "Economy Menus," showing how it is possible to feed a family of five on food reform principles at a cost of 45s. a Week. We need only give one word of warning to our readers : the book has no meat or fish menus at all. As a text-book to sensible feeding on strictly vegetarian' lines, however, we can warmly commend this work : it is complete, practical and thoroughly up-to- date.