24 AUGUST 1956, Page 13

Letters to the Editor

Suez Sir Geoffrey Mander, Harvey R. Cole,

Norman Birnbaum

beification and Clarification Evelyn Waugh, Rev. J. W. Kennedy, G. S. C. Hibbert, Rev. J. S. Habgood Torn Brown's Schooldays

The Master of Pembroke, E. F. Turner

Clyndebourne Colin Mason 'Es Brillig War .. Mackenzie Stewart Spine-chilling Gordon Adam Courtisans and Courtesans Margaret Crosland


SIR,—In your last issue I see that Charles Curran makes reference to the famous Peace Ballot carried out by the League of Nations Union in 1935. This showed that among the nine million who voted there was a 3-1 majority for military action under the Coven- ant of the League to resist aggression if that should prove necessary. Mr. Curran's sugges- tion for a 1956 Peace Ballot is interesting but the question he poses is tendencious, for nothing would produce mass unemployment more certainly than unilateral military action by Great Britain and France alone. The oil in- stallations and the Canal itself could so easily be blown up by the Arab States in retaliation. Surely the right question is something like this : 'In the event of force having to be applied against Egypt do you consider• that Great Britain should act alone or only with the authority of.the United Nations in accordance with the Charter, as in the case of Korea?'— Yours faithfully,


Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton