24 AUGUST 1974, Page 4

Sex education

Sir: 1 have been reading with interest the correspondence concerning population and sex education which, as is so often regrettably the case, appears to be generating a great deal more heat than light.

I am grateful to Mrs Riches for her clarification of the motives of 'Population' campaigns and I am sure that the members of the government delegations from over 100 countries attending the United Nations World Population Year Conference in Bucharest this month will be glad to learn that their primary con• cern is "to create a copulation explosion" in Britain. Or perhaps it is not the government delegations but the over 1,000 delegates from as many countries again, gathering at the Non-Government Organisation Tribune, in the same place at the same time, who are rightly to be held responsible for this?

1 and the thirteen other members of the Population CountDown team (eight men and six women) are also very interested.to hear that, apart from being responsible for this and other misdemeanours so emotively described by Mrs Riches, we are also alleged to be "hawking around suitcases of condoms on our fund-raising tours". Mrs Riches has also gladly seized upon a piece of misreporting, later greatly embellished by a Roman Catholic journal, as an excuse for another piece of typically mixed-up rhetoric.

Sir, Mrs Riches is mistaken in fact, confused in her thinking, emotional in her conclusions. As a member of one "network of interrelated pressure groups" (which is perhaps why she claims to know so much about them) her position is clearly suspect.

She will have to do much better than this, if she expects to be taken seriously, Ron Dick Director, Population CountDown, P.O. Box 2L8, Elsley House, 29-30 Great Titchfield Street, London WI