24 AUGUST 1974, Page 5

No Ulsterman

Sir: My attention has been drawn to an article in your July 13 edition by Mr Rawle Knox entitled 'Ulster: White Paper and scissors', which refers to "... Professor Lindsay Kennedy of Coleraine University, a leading loyalist fisticuff man in.the recent Assembly. . ." There is no Professor Lindsay Kennedy attached in any way to this university; nor has there been at any time. Nor is there, nor has there been attached in any way to this university, a Professor Kennedy Lindsay, who I presume is the person to whom your correspondent refers. W. T. Ewing Registrar, New University of Ulster, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland

We understand that Professor Kennedy Lindsay is, in fact, attached to a Canadian, rather than a Coleraine, university. We regret the error in our report. — Editor The Spectator