24 AUGUST 2002, Page 25

Airing a grievance

From Diana Ripley Sir: Rachel Johnson's piece (The cost of dying', 17 August) about the ridiculous inheritance-tax situation in the UK was excellent. Why should Middle Englanders — those that have been prudent and hardworking — have to resort to expensive or risky or devious schemes that may be rescinded retrospectively in the future; set up trusts; or have to leave their familiar world in their later years, having already paid a fair whack to the government?

I brought up the same subject some years ago with our then MP, John Redwood, who replied that 'it was not a government priority'. I do not feel particularly rich and am shocked by the amount of tax that would have to be paid if my husband and I died in our present circumstances. I wonder if we should give up this unequal struggle, blow the lot and live off the state. Or is that the plan?

Diana Ripley
