24 DECEMBER 1831, Page 4




Adeane, H. 3.—Cambridge County Althorp, Viscount—Northampton County Anson, Sir G.—Lichfield Anson, Hon. G.—Great Yarmouth Astley, Sir J. D.—Wilts Atherley, A.—Southampton Baillie, J. E.—Bristol Barham, J. Stockbridge, A Baring, Sir T.—Wycontbe Baring, F. T.—Portsmouth Bartlett, C. J.—Maidstone Bayntun, Captain—York Beaumont, T. W.—Northumberland Benett, 3.—Wilts lientinek, Lord G.—King's Lynn Bernal, R.—Rochester Iliddulph, It. M.—Denbigh Blake, Sir F.—Berwick Illamire, W.—Cumberland Blount, E.—Steyning, A Blunt. Sir C.—Lewes Bonverie, lion. P. P.—Downton, A Bonverie, Hon. Capt. I). P.—NewSarum Briscoe, J. 3.—Surry Brougham, W.—Southwark Brougham, J.—Winchilsca, A Buck, L. W.—Exeter Bulkeley, Sir R. W.—Deaumaris j. W.—Exeter 'Rawer, E. L.—St. Ives, B Bulwer, H. L.—Coventry

Bunbuty, Sir II. E.—Sulfolk.

Burdett, Sir F.—Westminster Burrell, Sir C.—Shoreham Buxton, T. F.—Weymouth, &c.

ilyng, G.—Middlesex Byng, Captain—Milborne Port, A Byng, Sir 3.—Poole Caleraft, G. IL—Wareham, B Calvert, C.—Southwark Calvert, N.—Herts Callay, T.—Cricklade Campbell, I.—Stafford Carter, J. B.—Portsmouth Cavendish. Hon. C. C.—Yarmouth, Hertz Cavendish. Hon. Colonel—Derby Cavendish, Lord—Derby County Chaytor, W. R. C.—Durham Chichester, J. B. P.—Barnstaple Clive, E. B.—Hereford Cockerell, Sir C. Evesham Coke, T. W.—Norfolk Colborne, N. W. R.—Horsham, B Cratlock, Colonel—Camelford. A Crampton, P. 0.—Milborne Port, A Creevey, T. —Downton, A Currie, J.—Hertford Curteis, II. B.—Sussex Davies, Colonel—Worcester

Denison, J. E.—Nottingham County

Denison, W. 3.—Sorry Denman, Sir T.—Nottingham Dick, Quintin—Maldon Ditndas, Hon. T.—York Dundas, lion. Sir R. L.—Richmond Dundas, Hon. J. C.—Richmond Easthope,J.—Banbury Ebrington, Viscount—Devonshire Ellice, E.—Coventry Ellis, W.—Leicester Etwall, R.—Andover Evans, Colonel de Lacy—Rye, B Evans, W. B.—Leominster Evans, W.—Leicester Ewart, W.—Liverpool Fazakerley, J. N.—Peterborough

Fellowes, H. A. W.--.---Andover

Ferguson, Sir R. C.—Nottingham Fitzroy, Lieut.-Col.—St. Edmtuulsbury Fitzroy, Lord J.—Thetford Foley, J. 11. B

Foley, lion. T. H.—Worcester County Folkes, Sir W.—Norfolk

Fordwich, Lord—Canterbury Fox, Lieut.-Col.—Calne, B Glynne, IL—Flint Gisborne. T.—Stafford Godson, R.—St. Alban's Gordon, R.—Crieklade Graham, Sir J. Cumberland Graham, Sir S.—Ludgershall, A Grant, Right Hon. R.—Norwich Greene, T. G.—Lancaster

Grosvenor, Lord IL—Chester Guise, Sir B. W.—Gloucester County Gurney. R. 1C--.--Noiwich Handley, W. F.—Newark Harcourt, G. V.—Oxford County

Harvey, D. W.—Colchester Hawkins, J. 11.--Tavistock' ' Heathcote, Sir 0.—Rutland County Heatheote, G. J.—Boston Heneage, G. F.—Lincoln Heywood, B.—Lancashire Hobhouse. Sir J. C.—Westminstcr Hodges, T. L.—Kent

Hodgson, J.—Newcastle, V.'Orthiunberland Horne, Sir W.—Newton. Hants Hoskins, K.—Hereford County Howard, P. 11.—Carlisle -" Howard, H.—Shoreham

Howiek, Viscount—Northumberland II adson, T.—Evesham 11 aches, J.—Grantham

lilt:Ales. W. IL—Oxford

Henry—Vreston Ingilby, Sir \V.—Lincoln County ;fames, W.—Carlisle Jerningliam, Hon. H. V.—Pontefract

Johnstone, Sir J. V.—York County

Jones, —.—Carmarthen.

Kemp, T. R.—Lewes King, E. 11.—Warwick Knight. H. G.—Maltou Knight, R.—Wallingford LatiCtichere, II.—Taunton Langston, J. IL—Oxford Langton. Colonel Gore—Somerset County Lawley, F.—Warwick County Leigh, T. C.—Wallingford Lefevre, C. S.—Hants Lemon, Sir C.—Cornwall Lennart', T. B.—Mahlon Lennox, Lout W.—King's Lynn Lennox, Lord A.—Chichester Lester, B.—Poole Littleton, E. .1.—Stafrord County Loch, J.—Hythe, B Lumley, J. S.—Nottingham County Lushington, Dr.-11chester, A

Maberley, Colonel—Shaftesbury, B

Maberley, J.—Abingdon Maeanlay, T. 11,—Caine, B Macdonald, Sir J.—Ilants Mackintosh, Sir .T.—Knaresborough Mangles, J.—Guildford Marjorihanks, S.—llythe, B Marry at, J.—Sandwich Marshall, W.—Beverley Mayhew, W.—Colchester Milbank, M.—Camelford, A Mildmay, P. St. 3.—Winchester Mills, 3.—Rochester

Milton, Viscount—Northampton County Moreton, Hon. H.—Gloucester County

Morpcth, Viscount—York County Momson, J.—Ipswich

Mostyn, Hon. E. M. L.—Flint County

Newark, Viscouut—Bassetlaw

Noel, Sir G.—Rutland County.

North, F.—Hastings Norton, C. F.—Guildford Nugent, Lord—Aylesbury (May, F. C.—Chester Ord, Williann—Morpeth, B Owen, Sir J.—Pembrokeshire Owen, 11.0.—Pembroke Paget, Sir C.—Carnarvon

Paget, T.—Leicester County

Palmer, General—Bath Palmer, C. F.—Reading Palmerston, Viscount—Bletchingly,A Payne, Sir P.—Bedford County Pendarves, E. W.—Cornwall • Penleaze, S. S.—Southampton Penrhyn, E.—Shaftesbury, B Pepys, C. C.—Malton . Petit, L. 11.—Ripon Petre, Hon. E.-11chester, A.

Philipps, Sir R. B.—Haverfordvrest Philips, G. R.—Steyning, A Phillips, C. M.—Leicester County Polhill, Captain—Bedford Ponsouby, lion. .T. 13.—Higham Ferrars, A. Powell, Colonel—Cardigan County Poyntz, W. S.—Ashburton. B Price, Sir R.—Hereford. County Protheroe, E.—Bristol Pryse,P.—Cardig,an Ramsbottom, 3.—Windsor Bickford. W.—Aylesbury Rider, T.—Kent Robarts, A. W.—Maidstone Robinson, Sir G.—Northampton Robinson, G. R.—Worcester . Rooper, J. B.—Huntingdon County Rumba', C. E.—Great Yarmouth Russell, Lord 3.—Devonshire Russell, Lieut-CoL—Tavistock

Russell, Sir R. G.—Thirsk, B -

Russell, W.—Durham County Russell, C.—Reading Sandon, Viscount—Liverpool Sanford, E. A.—Somerset County Schonswar, Scott, Sir E. D.—Lichfield Sebright, Sir I—Herts

Skipwith, Sir G.—Warwick County

Slaney, R. A.--Shrewsbury Smith, J. A.—Chichester Smith, J.—Bucks Smith, R.V.—Northampton Smith, lion. R.—Wycombe

Smith, G. IL—Mitiluifst, B

Smith, M. T.—Midhurst, B Spence, G.—Ripon

Spencer, Hon.Captain—Woreester Conn*.

Stanhope, Captain—Dover Stanley, E. I—Hindon, A Stanley,Right lion. E. G.—Windsor Stanley, Lord—Lancashire Staunton, Sir G.—Heytesliury, A

StephensomII. F,—Westbury, B

Stewart, P. M.—Lancaster Strickland, G.—York County Strutt, Et.--Derby Stuart, Lord P. J.—Cardiff Stuart, Lord D. C.—Arundel, 13 Sorry, Earl of—Horsham, B Tallmt, C. R. M.-411atuorgau County Tavistock, Marquis of—Bedford County 'Tennyson, C.—Stamford

I Ineknesse,11.—IS man

Thompson, W.—Londou Thomson, Right lion. C. P.—Dover Titrockmorton, R. G.--Berkshiro Tnrrens, t 'oltatel—Ashburton, B Ts.witley, It. t;.—Cambridge County (.—Tattiworth

ultrisige, Sir E. T.—Sandwich

Ts titian llon. H.—Appleby, A

Ilk., C. K. K.—Bridgewater t :xbridge, Earl of—Anglesey "'enables, W.—London 'Vero I 1 il.--Newport, 1 louts Vernon, Hou. .1.—Derhy County


'Villiers, T. I I.-1 a,tettingly, 'Vincent. Sir F.— St. Al tilts Wait lintati.

Wariturts■n,11.—Bridport N''arre, J. A.—Ilastings `,Vsits.spark, Lorsi--Knaresborough. Wason, NV. 11.--Ipswich • .Vist son. lion. R.—Canterbury WitIsls, Colottel—Glotteester IVellesley, Hon. NV. L.—Essex Western, C. C.—Essex

NVeyland, .1.—Iliudon, A

Weylatul, Major—Oxford County Whitbread, NV. IL-13olthril

WIsittnore, W. W.—Bridgenorth

Wilbraham.(3.—eheshire Wilde, T.—Newark Wilks, J.—Boston

Williams, J.—Winchilsea, A.

Willi:1ns,, W. A.—Monmontit County Williams, Sir J. 11.—Carmarthen County

NVilliatason, Sir H.—Durham County

Willoughby, Sir H.—Yarmouth, hunts, A

NVinnington, Sir T.—Droitwich, B Wood, Colonel Wood, M.—London NVood, J.—Preston NVouil, C.—Wareham, B 'Wrightson, NV.

Wrottesley, Sir J.--Statiord County

Walrotal, IL—Saha-1i, A

IV:mender, Sir eit7gti


A lam, Admiral—Kinross ...stew, sir A.—\Vitoit (*.sooty 'atstpliell, W. F.—Argyll County 1:ergusson. It. C.--Eirkentibri:4dit County t:rant, Right. lion. C.—Inverness County

..',ittrey, Right lion. F.—Perth ..j•ihoston, A.—Crail .7011ln:ton, L—Duturerndin inlotstone, 1. 1L—Dumfries County

J.—Tain Mae Leod, R.—Sutherland County Mackenzie, J. A. 5.—Ross County Ross, H.—Aberdeen Sinclair, G.—Caithness County

Stewart, Sir M. S.—Renfrew County Stewart, E.—Wigton


Acheson. ViSeOlInt —Armagh County Belfitst, Earl of—Antrim County Bellies, Sir P.—Louth County Bodkin, .1. J.—Galway Boyle, thus J.—( 'ork Brabazi it, Vis.-1 ittisi iii C'oliiity Browne, .1. 1).—Mayo County Browne, D.- -.Mayo Comity S;: .1.—i this IV County '..11.t1.,tot,

Clitlord, Sir A.—Bantiotiltridtiv Cop:laud, W. 'P.—Coleraine Dnts, O'C'onnor --It oscummou Cs unit y

Si: J. M.---tt,til,ov Ct 7ttity

Frottelt, .1.—Itoscommon Comil y “1,:ttatt, .1.—Wistklow Count y I till, 1.otd A.—Down Co tidy lUll, IA trs1

Hort, Sir W.—Kildare County

I bavard, Ralph—W ieklow County I hit& iinsou, .1. 11.—Ti1i1uerary County

Lorik—leal It County Kitts, II-n. R.—Cot k County louis I, !Ion. (A—Dungaryou 1 .e-eler, N. P.—Kilkenny ..iiii,gravt•, Sir 1C—Waterford County Part...11, Sir IL—Queen's County PottsisithY, Hon. (;.- Yisughall

RI—Water ti tot County j.—Kinsale

sheil. B. County Walk.tr, C. A.—Wextiird

Wallaee, T.—Drogbeda

White, Colonel—Dublin t'sainty Westenrit. Hon. IL—Monaghan County


Bainbridge, E. T.-1'111:11nm

Bernard., Count y

Blackney, W.—Carlsiw Count y Boyle, Lord—C.ork County I/audits, C.—Ilorks Ferguson, R.—Dysart Fity.glithon, Hon. it—Limerick County Gills su, NV. D.—Selkirk Grattan, H.—Meath County Kennedy, T. F.—ltoilisay

Lantir•rt, I I.—Wextiml ( 'ounty

Lopes, Sir 1Z. F.—Wes! bury

Mitenamara, INLkior—Clare Ccunty ▪ ai ell, A.—Westmoreland O'Connell, D.—Kerry County

0' Forri•11, 13. M.—Kildare County O'Neill, Hon. Geocral—Antrim County (1,:soi•:.. Earl of—lakenur County Oxinitutown, Lord—King's County Pelham, :Ion. C. A.—Lincoln County Portman, E. B.—Dorset County Thompss.11. 1'. i.-4.1rkm•y

✓ ef11011, G. IL—Bassellaw

White, S.—Leitrint Cottot y Wyse, T.—Tipperary County

2114 its.

Duncannon, Viscount—Kilkenny County Rice, Right Hon. T. S.—Limerick ITY.

ITerries, Right Hon. J.—Harwich Hodson, F.-13arnstaple Holmes. W.—I laslemere, A Hope, I lenry T.—East Looe, A Hope, J. T.—Okehampton, A Inglis, Sir Robert IL—Oxford University Irving, John—I3ramber, A Jenkins, Richard—Shrewsbury Jermyti, Earl—Bury St. Edmund's :Conn% Sir William G. IL—Peterstield, B Jollitre, Colonel Hylton—Peterstield, 11 Kearsley, John IL—Wigan Kenvon, Him. Lloyd—St. Michael's, A Keriison, Sir E. Bart.—Eye, It E. ilderbee, S. H.—Orford, A Knight, J. L.—Ilishop's Castle, A Lovaine, Lord.—Beeralston, A. Loughborough, Lord—Grimsby, B Lowther, Hon. Colonel—Westmoreland Lowther, John II.—Corkermouth Luttrell, John F.—Minehead, A Lyon, William—Seaford, A Mocking, James—Tregony, A Mahon, iscount—Wootton Bassett, A .Mattland, iscount—Appleby, A Malcolm, Sir J.—Launceston, B Mexborough, Earl of—Pontefract Miller, Wm. H.—Newcastle-under-Line Mount, William—Newport

Nicholl, Sir J.—Great Bedwin, A Peach, Nathaniel—Truro Pearse,.Tolin—Devizes

Peel, Sir R. Itart.—Tamworth Peel, NV. Y.—Cambridge University Peel, Colonel 3.-11untington Pelham, John C.—Shropshire Perceval, Spencer—Tiverton Phipps, Hon. General—Scarborough Pigott, G. G. W.—St. Mawe's, A Pollington, Viscount—Gatton, A Pollock, Frederick—Huntingdon Porchester, Lord—Wootton Bassett, A Pracil, Winthrop M.—St. German's, A Rose, Right Hon. Sir G.—Christchurch, B Rose, Captain P.—Christchurch, Ii Ryder, Ilia]. G. D.—Tiverton St. Paid. Sir 11. D. Bart—Bridport Sadler, Michael T.—Aldborough, A. Scarlett, Sir James—Cockermouth Sibthorp, Colonel—Lincoln Smith, Satr..ael—Wendover, A Smith, Abel—Wendover, A

Stewart, Charles—Penryn Stormont, Viscount—Woodstock, B Sugden, Sir Edward B.—St. Mawe's,A Taylor, G.—Devizes Thynne, Lord John—Bath Thynne, Lord 11. F.—Weobley, A • Townshend, Hon. Colonel—Whitchurch, A MINO A'Court, Capt. E. 11.—lieytesbury, A Alexander, J. do Pre—Old Sarum, A.

Antrobus, Gilds, C.—Plympton, A

Apsley, Lool—Cirencester

Arbuthnot, Col. C. (1. J.—Tregony A 'shier, Lord—l)uirsetshire, A Ashley, Hon. J.—(4attou. A

Attwood, M.—Boroughl midge. A ziks,, Wm. J.—Marlborough

Bankes, George—tine Castle, A Baring, Alexander—Thetford

Baring, Henry li.—Callinston, A

Beckett, Sir J. Bart.—Haslemere, A Rt.:I, Iron. Wm. S.—St. Michael's, A

Bohlen,. II. G.—Chippenhara Brtulcuell, Lord—Fowey, A Ilarge, William—Eve. A 1,tirrard, G.—Lymnigton

Buxton. John J.—Great Bedwin, A.

Capel, John—Queenborough. A Chanclos, Marquis of—Buckinghamshire

Cholmondeley, Lord II.—Castle Rising, A

Clinton, Clinton J. F.—Aldborough, A Cockburn, Sir G.-11vmouth Cooke, Sir H.—Orford, A Cooper, lion. A.

Courtenay, T. P.—Totness, B

C'roktir, Right Hon. J.—Aldeburgh, A

Curzon. Hon. Robert —Clitheroe, B Clod, Hon. Captain P.—Clitheroe, B Cast, lion. Sir Edward—Lostwithiel, A l'htwkins, James—Wilton, B Dawson, Right Hon. G. R.—Harwich Dick, Q.—Maldon Douro, Marquis of—Aldeburgh, A Dowdeswell, J. E.—Tewkesbury Drake, T. T.—Amersham, A Drake, Colonel NV. T.—Amersitam, A East, James B.—Winchester Eastnor, Viscount—Hereford Eliot, Lord—Liskeard, B Encombe, Viscount—Truro Estcourt, T. G. B.—Marlborough Fam• Colonel—Lyme Regis, B Fr so. Hon. Henry 5.—Lyme Regis, 11 Fat • and, Robert—Hedon, A Fitzroy, lion. II. Forbes, Sir C. Bart.—Maimesbury, B

Ferhos, 3.—Maimesbury, B

Forrester, lion. G. C. W .—Wenlock Fox, Sackvillc Lane—Helstou, B Fremantle, Sir T. Bart.—Buckingham Freslitield, J. W.—Penryn

Goulbum, IL—Cambridge University

Graham, Marquis—Cambridge Town Grant, Sir C.--Queenborongli, A Grimston,Lord—Newport. Cornwall, A. Harding% Sir Henry—Newport Herbert, Hon. E. C. H.—Calliugton, A Trench, Colonel F. W.—Cambridge Town 1.1re, Masterton—Weymouth Vaughan, J. E.—Wells Villiers, Viscount —Minehead, A Vyvyan, Sir IL—Okehanipton, A. Walsh, Sir 1. B. Bart.—Sudbury Wall, C. B.—Weymouth Wetherell, Sir Charles -Boroughbridge

We:, land, J.—Hindon, A

Williams, Thomas P.—Great Marlow Williams, 0.—Great :Marlow Worcester, Marquis of—Monmouth Wortley, lion. J. S.—Bossiney, Wransham, Dishy C.—Sudbury W:,lislliannWadlutto—Salisbury

Yorke, Captain—Reigate, 13 Yorke, Jose.ph—Reigate. B


Arbuthnot, lion. ( :en. IL—Kincardiuesh.

Dalrymple, Sir A.—Ilaililinston Douglas, turnrries ti Lit, i ion. Captain—A benleensitire timid, I ititi. Colonel— El giushire Lindsay, Colo:lel—Fife County Maitland, Hon. Captain—Berwielishire Murray, Sir George—Perth County Ogilvy', lion. D.—Forfarshire

Pringle, Alexander—Selkirk County Scott, II. F.—RoxlmrsItshire trat..kNa.

Brydges, Sir Mtn—Armagh Castlereagh, Viscount—Itown County Clements, Lieitt.-001.—Leitriat County Cole, Lord—Fermanagh County (site, Eyre—Clonmeil Corry, lion. II. L.—'1:yrone County Ferrard, Walter—Tralec Gordon, John—Mind:ilk

Jones, Captain l.—Londonderry Countif Meyuell, Captain IL—Lisburn Pitney. P.—Cashel Rae, Sir W. Bart.—Portarlington Rochford, C,Ionel--Westmeuth Shaw, Frederick—Dublin Tullantore, Lord—Carlow


Alexander, James-01d Sarum, A. Arelidall, Gellert,' M.—Fermanagh County Atkins, John—Arundel, B.

Balfour, Jaines—Ilailitington County Bateson, Sir R. llart.--Londonderry CO. Beresrord, Sir J. P.—Northallerton, B Bereslisol, Colonel M.—Berwick • Williatrn—Ayrshire • N Unto, ry—Montgumery Cole, I loa. Dering. sir E. C., Ilart.—Now Romney:A.

NI li iOln —Bramber, Forbes, Vi,colint--1.stotithril County (.:orthitt, Coloisel—Weymonth 'lop, I I oil. Sir A.--Linlithgowshire' ' Keintais, '1'. :N.—East Looe, A I.ai.eolles, lion. Wm. S.--Northallerton, 13 IsMs.v. Dr. Thomas—Dobliu ItiVerSity :Maxwell, Henry—Cavan County Petandlia•k, 3. 1L—Wilton, B Pereeva I, Colimel—Sligo County Itanis..y, NV liam —St Ming Severn, Julia C. -- Fows!y, A. Set 5 ur. I form e Trevor, lloa. Art bur—Durham Wynne, John—Sligo


Clerk. Sir G. Bart.—Edinburghshire Ross, C.—St. Germans, A Ingestrie, Viscount —Dublin

['The number of names in these lists, as usual, is at variance with the number given in the Votes. We cannot, of course, pretend to decide which is right; for, in our experience, we have repeatedly found the Votes, as well as the less accredited lists of names, incorrect. And, doubtless, we shall continue to find them so, until the House cease to count their divisions like cattle, and betake themselves to the fashions of men.]