24 DECEMBER 1831, Page 5

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LONDON is busy with the important preparations for Christmas. Shall we be thought to sermonize, if we ask our readers, at this season of general joy and rejoicing," in commemoration of that event which " brought peace and good-will down from heaven to (hk-ell upon earth with undeserving men, to follow the charitable advice of the corre- spondent whose letter we gave some few weeks ago—to send round portions from house to house, so that the poor and the needy and the forsaken may be merry in heart, on a day winch is meant to be distin- guished as one of universal gladness? Kindness, on such an occasion, is not apt to be misbestowed, or ungratefully received, or injuriously interpreted. A bit of beef—a loaf of bread—a gallon of beer—are the purchase of a few shillings; and these will go farther to knit the bands of good-will between the rich and the poor, bestowed on Christmas- day, than ten times the sum doled out in cold alms in the course of the year. If there be any to whom these suggestions appear good, and who may not receive them in time to act on them, we would remind such, that though Christmas comes but once a year, New-year's day comes a week after it, and New-year's day is also a day of national enjoyment.

The election of members of the Court of Common Council, for the ensuing year, commenced on Wdenesday. The following are the i changes n the various Wards.

Dowgate—Mr. J. C. Prior' in the room of Mr. Nesbit. Cheap—Mr. Watson and Mr. Tegg, in the room of Mr. Burra and Mr. Ledger.

Alinut, in the room of Mr. Adderley. Tower—Mr. Ruston and Mr. Edwards, in the room of Mr. Robinson and Mr. Hall, resigned. Langbourn—Mr. William Stewart, in the room of Mr. Avers, deceased. Cripplegate Ma/in—Mr. Wilson, in the room of Mr. Richardson. Cripplegate Without—Mr. R. Dixon and Mr. Robinson, in the room of Mr. Curtis and Mr. Newell.

Queenhithe—Mr. John Kennersley Hooper and Mr. Thomas Acocks, in the room of Mr. Deputy Booth and Mr. Tomlons. Aldgate—Mr. Mayhew, M. P. Mr. John Faber, Mr. William Tite, in the room of Mr. Weddell, Mr. Druce, and Mr. Williams.

Farringdon .Within—Mr. Crawford, Cheapside, Mr. Ashurst, solicitor, in the room of Mr. Oldham and Mr. Southgate. Farringdon Wit/tout—Mr. Charles and Mr. Burns, in the room of Mem* Robarts and W. C. Bousfield.

Portsoken—Messrs. Clark, Death, Parker, Negus, Said ; all new Councillors. Castle Baynard—Mr. James Smith, in the room of Mr. Farrance. Billingsgate—Mr. Duke and Mr. Blenkam, in the room of Mr. Hanson and Mr. Were.

Bridge—Mr. Cooper and Mr. Low, in the room of Mr. Albert and Mr. Gat. Bassishaw—Mr. Baker, in the room of Mr. Shirley. Bishopsgate—Messrs. H. Patten, T. Davis, W. Jones, and C. Gibson, in the room of Messrs. T. Windus B. G. Windus, Clark, and Sturtevant. Cordwainer's—Mr. Phillips, in the room of Mr. Rowe.

In the following Wards, no change has taken place—Bread Street, Aldersgste, Candlewick, Coleman Street, Lame Street, VintrYs Walbroolc.

The following are said to be among the number of Assignees ap- ela etfttidq. pointed under the New Bankruptcy Bill:—Mr. Waithman (a son of the

. [It is only due to Mr. Carpenter to state, flee Ii is conduct since his

at Wea vela' Mill, Basinehall Street,—Mr. B. Whitt,: ill the (Ade.—

to consider the distressed condition of the Silk '.ita,le. Mr. Balatiee,

Mr. Wadden, Mr. Ambrose Moore, Air. Beckwith, and others, la- conformity with their opiniona. A Committee i: appointed to confer with the Government, and to adopt 01 practicable: means to carry the (e objects of the meeting into effect.

The following Captains. were sworn in at the India House on Wed-

mesday to the command of their respective ships. Captain Rohert Lindsay, Macqueen, and Captain Cherles S. Timins, Reliance, con- signed to Bengal aiel China. The elssociation fur Rtenovine the Causes of Jen erance and Po city _held an adjourned meeting oll Monday ; the Reverend Air. Wade in the chair. The resolutions lvere proposed by Mr. Owen. .Mr. Swift, of the Jewel Office of the Tower, wished, previous to the resolutions being citrried, to ilaN'e a question answered,—namely, what nn'ans the prt)posed plan for the education of the poor off(. '1 for tile protection of religion—" for the interests of the Church of Eitgland," es Mr.

Faift further explained it. The question was answered by a clamour A meeting was held on Thursday, at the Red Lion inn, Worksop, of hisses, and erica of " he's a sinecurist ! he holds an oil-ice in the to adopt a code of rules for the governmeat of " The Worksop Reading Jewel Office." Mr. Swift denied, in the first place, that helves a sine- Society and Mechanics' Institute," just established in that town. c twist ; and secoudly, that, if he Ivere, that bad any thing to do with Previous to the commencement of the business, several letters were lis question. He afterwards went on to deelaim egainst the perversion read from the neighbouring noblemen and gentry; all of whom, with that would not fail to be the consequence of a svstem which world the exeeption of the Duke of Newcastle, announced their intention to leave the minds of the public to be guided by the public press, "which, support the institution. The Duke declined; assigning as a reason, irom the Times to the Political Dondkcrehiff was the curse of the that the "deplorable evils " with which this country was now visited, country." The attack on the Timis and the politieal press was received were to be.attributed to societies of the above character : he exhorts

w ith so much noise, that Mr. Swift was hill to sit down, and allow the Secretary to shun such institutions, "as he would avoid a pesti- the resolutions to pass without further interruption.. lence."—Slaffiehl Inthrufleut.

A second meeting of the clergy of the Established Church was held The workmen in the neighbouring collieries have very generally re- on Wedneeday, in the apartments of the Society for Promoting Chris- turned to their employment, and the entire district is now perfectly tail Knowledge, to consider the propriety of again pressing upon Go- tranquil.—Bieluivyham Gazette. ✓ ernment and the East India Company the necessity of incintising the On Thursdey night, a. gang cf poachers, armed with guns and number of Bishops in India. The Bishop of London, Sir Robert 'dodgems, made an attack on the preserves of H. W. Newman, Esq., . Inglis, the Reverend Mr. Cunningham of Harrow, Mr. Tram, and at nondairy Park. On hearing the first shot fired, a labouring man, . others, warmly espoused an extension of the Episcopal establishment employed upon the estate, named George Webb, going towards the in the East Indies • and ultimately it was agreed, that a memorial to poachers, was brutally attacked with bludgeons, and killed. A keeper . such an effect should be prepared, mid presented to Government and was also very severely beaten, and left for dead; and another keeper

. the East India Company. was fired at by the poachers, and narrowly escaped destruction.—Batli The inquiries of the Ladies' Committee of Health have led to the Journal. . discovery, that no fewer than 60,000 garments would be required for Dixon, the man convicted of incendiarism at the recent Assizes, was the really poor and distressed of the metropolis, while their means do executed at Maidstone on Tuursdey. He persisted in affirming his in- not admit of the distribution of above one fourth of that number. We uocence of the clime, to the last moment of his existence. The hope the statement will suffice for those who have the wish and the wretelied man was in the prime of life and of a powerful make ; he

means to assist them in their benevolent work. straggled very violently when thrown off. These dying throes are The General Portman Market, Edgware Road, was opened on dreadful to beholders, more so perhaps than to the sufferer; might Wednesday for general business, and not a single shop or stand remain- not there be some contrivance of a screen to fall with the drop, and so

ed unoccupied. The shops are neatly fitted up and well stocked. hide the mortal struggle from the multitude ? It is the punishment A meeting of the creditors under the separate estates of Messrs which alone can operate as an example ; these revolting accornpani- Flys and Chapman was held on Friday last. The dividends of Mr. meats only add horror to pity. Chapman and Mr. Joseph Fry's estates were declared at 2.0s. in the Seven persons are in custody, charged as being the incendiaries who pound, and on Mr. William Fry's at las. with an expectation that the set fire, last Sunday sennight, to an extensive farm belonging to latter will equally pay in full. Sir Henry Wright Wilson, at Barton Stacey, near Andover, by which The Commissioners of Police have directed the attention of house- nine wheat ricks and three barns stored with corn were consumed.

holders "to the unguarded state of ninny attic windows and trap-doors On Saturday night, the extensive steam-mills for grinding corn, be- in the roofs of their houses, as frequent robberies take place by the longing to Mr. Samuel Holt, of Carlton-upon-Trent, about seven thieves getting into unoccupied premises, and proceeding along the mike from Newark, were discovered to be on fire. The engine and

• leads to any house they have a design upon."several of the inhabitants of Newark went to their assistance ; but the For the last few days, the inhabitants of Battlebridge and its vicinity building was soon reduced to a shell, and several hundred quarters of have been in a state of the most indescribable alarm, owing to the discovery wheat and nearly 1,000 bags of flour destroyed.

that the wives of Bishop and Williams, the murderers of Carlo Fer- The Marquis of Londonderry has transmitted to Sunderland, 100/. -rier, the Italian boy, have removed from Nova Scotia Gardens, and for the relief of the poor of that place. Lord Durham has also sent 100/ ,taken up their abode in the neighbourhood ! Since the discovery of in addition to his former valuable present of 1,100 tons of coals.—Tyne their retreat, parents residing near the Barkers' wives have with the Mei.cury. :utmost scrupulosity kept their children within-doors.—Daily Papers. The following list of tithe abatements has appeared in the papers of the week.

[It would be no small service to society, if Rhoda and her sister-in-law At the tithe audit at South and North Lopharn, the Reverend James Barrow reduced .would" Burke" or " Bishop " half a dozen of paragraph-makers ; and Ids tithes 10 per cent.