24 DECEMBER 1836, Page 2


A meeting of the Common Council was held on Saturday; when,. after some discussion, the sum of 500/. was voted out of the City revenues, for the relief of the Polish refugees, who baying arrived in this country since the date of the Parliamentary grant, were not en- titled to participate in it. An amendment to reduce the sum to was moved; but rejected almost unanimously, only three hands being held up in its favour. It was then announced, that Mr. Charles Pear- son would decline reelection, and would retire from the Council. Re- solutions highly complimentary of Mr. Pearson's abilities and public services were passed, without a dissentient voice ; and a private sub- scription to present hint with a piece of plate was set on foot.

On Wednesday, St. Thomas's Day, the annual elections of members to the Common Council were commenced. In several of the wards, the old Councillors were reelected without opposition ; and there ap- pears to have been no material changes in any of them. The muni- eipal elections, therefore, furnish no proof of the boasted reaction in favour of Toryism in the City.