24 DECEMBER 1842, Page 8

The New York packet-ship Europe, which has arrived at Liverpool,

brings intelligence from New York to the 1st instant, one day later than that brought by the Halifax steamer. It was understood that the President's message to Congress, daily expected at New York, would put forth strong views respecting thedifferences between Mexico and Texas, and stronger respecting the expediency of enforcing the claims of United States citizens on Mexico. A steam-ship of war had been sent with a special messenger to Vera Cruz. The Independence line-of-battle ship, the Constitution, of 44 guns, and the Vincennes, were all ordered to the Mexican coast, with the West Indian squadron. New York had been visited by another violent storm. The unintel- ligible statement is made, that "all the mails will be knocked in a cocked hat."

Money was plentiful. Exchanges were firm, at 64 to 4 premium on England, 5 francs 374 centimes to 6 francs 424 cantimes on France.