24 DECEMBER 1853, Page 10

A number of telegraphic despatches are published this morning. From

St. Petersburg we have an illustration of the complacency with which the Emperor Nicholas looks upon his naval success, in the shape of an autograph letter to Prince Menschikoff. .

" St. Petersburg, Nov. 29 (Dec. 11.) "Prince Alexander Sergejewitach—The victory of Sinope proves evidently that our Black Sea fleet has shown itself worthy of its destination. With hearty joy I request you to communicate to my brave seamen that I thank them for the success of the Russian flag, on behalf of the glory and honour of Ruse*. I perceive with satisfaction that Tschesme has not been forgotten in the Russian navy, and that the grandsons have proved themselves worthy of their grandsires.

" I remain always and unalterably your well-inclined and grateful " Nicaouss."

From Constantinople we have intelligence, vie: Trieste, to the 12th in- stant.

"The French and English fleets are still in the Bosphorus. The Porte has placed a very clear case before the Ambassadors and Admirals of France and England, and has asked for the support of the fleets. The Ambassadors promised that on certain eventualities, such as an attempt on the part of Rasaa to land troops upon Ottoman territory, the fleets should enter the Elsa Sea. The popular sentiment is fast turning against England. " A finnan has been issued in favour of Servia, in which the privileges for- merly conceded to that state are declared and confirmed.

"The declaration of war by Persia had not been received when the packet left, but Achmed Khan had broken off all relations with the Porte." An Austrian war-steamer left Constantinople on the 7th for the Black Sea, said to be bound for Sinope ; but her purpose was unknown.

The Vauban steam-frigate now at Toulon, has been ordered to join the French squadron at Constantinople. The Czar has granted a pension of 1000 ducats per month to the Princes Ghika and Stirbey. Prince Ghika's debts, to the amount of 50,000 ducats, have been paid by the Czar.

It has now been twice stated that an insurrection has broken out in the Crimea, and that a portion of the corps of General Liiders has been detached to suppress it.