24 DECEMBER 1859, Page 10

Mr. John L. Tabberner, of • Chelsea, has written to

the Chancellor of the Exchequer, recommending direct in preference to indirect taxation, and suggesting a graduated property-tax, with a grant of the franchise to all persons so taxed. Mr. Gladstone's reply has been made public, and it will be read with much interest-

" Downing Street, 25th November, 1839.

" Sir—I had the honour yesterday to receive your letter dated the 22d. " You have set forth your views with clearness and ability ; but it ap- pears to me that the great and critical changes which you recommend are fitter subjects for discussion among the public at large, and especially the classes more competent to sift questions of such a nature, than for any de- claration of an official opinion. " I have no difficulty, indeed, in saying that it is desirable in a high de- gree, when it can be effected, to connect the possession of the franchise with the payment of taxes, and likewise to establish the right of the individual voter by reference to some external and independent standard ; but I am not able to say that I think the State should adopt the modes which you pro- pose for establishing those principles ; and, as regards used changes, there is much both in your premises and your conclusions on which 1 must crave permission, at the least, to suspend my judgment. "I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, " W. E. Greetaroaxx."