24 DECEMBER 1898, Page 1


Commissioner for Europe" in Crete, arrived at Canea on Wednesday, and was received by the Christians with enthusiasm, and by the Mussulmans with dejected resignation. As he landed the Cretan flag was displayed and the Turkish flag was carried away to the little island of Suda. He made a speech to the Cretans, and has since issued an address, both of them quite conventional; but he is said to have some ability and to be disposed to make his government a success. His real diffi- culties will be to reduce a people made fierce by ages of Turkish oppression to civilised order, and to raise a revenue, which, as uncivilised government is cheap, they will probably be reluctant to pay. The Prince, however, will have absolute power, the island is fertile, and if he will only iasist at any hazard that indifferent justice shall be done to all men without bribes, there will soon be quiet. The diffi- culty of governing Mahommedans is exaggerated. Mahom- medans, like all other people, ask for "justice and bread" first of all, and when they get them, live quietly enough under Austrians in Bosnia, under Russians in the Khanates, and under Englishmen in India.