24 DECEMBER 1937, Page 32




I. VitaLvehicles.

8. Perfume bought by a young person on relief ?

14. My first and second are unchecked in 31.

15. What the ugly sluggard wants.

17. What is required to find a precious stone in the layers of the earth's crust.

18. rev. Will commit murder for £2.

19. Honourably discharged from service.

20. Hair's-breadth.

21. See 26.

22. rev. Animal that hasn't a yard.

23. The daughter of Yniol.

24. He has a fitting occupation.

25. rev. Subject of a Tenny- sonian idyll.

27. rev. Kicks.

3o. " Fall on me like a silent . . Or like those maiden showers."

3/. Supposed vision of absent person.

32. Vascular cryptogamous plant.

DOWN I. Ancient city that contained a childish person.

2. rev. Dare to let (anag.).

3. TM. See 28:

4. rev. With her dress orna- mented with these, she can

have music goes !

5. rev. Shooting star without any alternative.

6. Stone-cutter.

7. You'll be agitated by this bed,.

9. Barren subjects that have their recompense.

1o. Eaten in the stable and the dining-rcom.


12. rev. " . . . akin to love."

13. rev. One reefs (snag.).

16. " . . . my weapon, but I'm too discreet

To run smock, and tilt all I meet."

20. Not a geographical pole.

25. Part of the body much evidence.

26. rev. with 21. Clean monially. 28. rev. and 3. Dainty.

29. A bin makes a small dwelling. wherever she


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