24 DECEMBER 1954, Page 17

College, Cambridge. Set by Six Fellows of St. John's a.

Siegfried, Wallace, Mason-Dixon, Curzon, Durand, Highland.

b. Oxford University, Royal Engineers, Portsmouth.

c. Hops. Reformation, Bays, and Beer.

d. Jellyfish, crayfish, shellfish, starfish, cuttlefish, silver fish.

e. Putters, onsetters, pipe-men, flat-lads.

f. Fielding, Shelley, Gray, Porson, Gladstone, Swin- burne, Bridges.

g. Alembic, algebra, cipher, timbal, admiral.

h. Peel, Palmerston, Baldwin, Churchill, Byron.

i. Platers, caulkers, holder-uppers.

j. Patrick Brontë, F. R. Brown, Ian Hay, Titus Oates, Cecil Beaton.

k. Eschscholtz, Logan, Dahl, Zinn.

1. Locke, Wesley, Pusey, Gladstone, Lewis Carroll.

m. Oscar Wilde, Socrates. Lenin. Charles I, Nehru. Winston Churchill, Bertrand Russell.

3. What sort of animal is ?

a. A Bare-checked Babbler. g. A Bee Tiger.

b. A Painted Lady. h. A Sallow Kitten.

c. A John Dory. i. A Meal Worm.

d. A Powdered Quaker. j. A Water Flea.

e. A Spectacled Weaver. f. A Cow Lady. 1. A Hogmouse. k. A Glow-Worm.

4. What fruits have the following names ?

a. Lord Derby. d. Irish Peach.

b. Doyenne du Cornice. c. Jargonelle. e. Kentish Bigarrcau. f. Purple Pershore.

S. By what names are the following more familiarly known a. Mrs. A. B. Nicholls. g. J. K. Korzeniowski.

b. Alexei Maximovich h. Flying Officer X.

Peshkov. i. H. H. Munro.

d. Dilwyn Recs. k.

e. La Baronne Dudevant. c. Madame D'Arblay. j. Clemens. ,Samuel Langhorne E. H. Blair.

f. Nicholas Blake.

6. Of which of the following wines would you be suspicious if they were offered to you at dinner ? d. The Men's Singles at Wimbledon.

e. The St. Leger.

f. The Gordon Lennox Cup.

g. The World Series.

h. The second prize in the novel class at the Chelten- ham Festival of Arts.

i. The .second prize in the verse section of the Certamen Vaticanum. The title TV personality of the year.'

Z. What arc the following ?

a. French Billiards. d. French Pitch.

b. French Cream. e. French Ruff.

c. French Horn.. f. French Leave.

9. Which Saint ?

a. Was a grandson of Charles Martel.

b. Was one of the first English scholars of distinction and wrote a treatise on virginity.

c. Died at Ephesus c.100 All at a great age.

d. Is associated with eleven thousand virgins.

e. Is honoured as the patron of viticulture.

f. Was born at Long Itchington.

10. Who is ?

a. Astronomer Royal.

b. Director-General of the BBC.

c. Chairman of the Arts Council.

d. Chairman of the Independent Television Authority.

e. Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps.

Editor of The Times.

The man whose biography has been written under the title Tempestuous Journey.

h. William Willis.

i. Mr. J. G. Strydom.

j. Historiographer Royal.

11. Identify the philosophers responsible for these testamen. tary dispositions: a. His body to be publicly dissected by a friend; his bones to be assembled and dressed in his leisure costume, with stick and hat, to form an Auto-Ikon in case his friends wished to meet together to corn memorate him.

b. ' Item, that my body, before it is buried,' be kept five days above ground, or longer, even till it grow offensive by the cadaverous smell. • ..'

c. His daughter to be married, the husband being designated.

d. . . . A monument to he built over my body at an expense not exceeding £100 with an inscription. containing only my name with the year of my birth, leaving it to posterity to add the rest.'

12. Who ?

a. Muttered, Oh! the Duchess, the Duchess! Oh! won't she be savage if I've kept her waiting!'