24 FEBRUARY 1866, Page 3

Fenianism is dangerous enough in all conscience, but Earl Remelt

has faced a rebellion before now, and ought to know batter than to talk such raw-head-and-bloody-bones rubbish as he did on Saturday evening. "At these metiugs the Fenians hold out-hopes both to civilians and Her Majesty's soldiers that there will very shortly be an insurrection, and that for three days all that licence which is allowed to soldiers who take part in the capture of a town or fortress will be allowed to the persons joining in the Fenian movement, and that the women would be given np to their brutal passion." There never was an agrarian revolt threatened in which that particular accusation was not made, but one scarcely expects it from an experi- enced statesman. There is not a country in the world so free from this particular form of crime as Ireland, and Fenians are only Irishmen with a false political ideal, a hunger for land, and a dangerous hatred of the owners of the soil. Robespierres are not necessarily ravishers.