24 FEBRUARY 1923, Page 22


THE MEANING OF RELATIVITY. By A. Einstein (Methuen. 5s. net.)

This excellent translation of Professor Einstein's Princeton lectures will only be appreciated to the fullest extent by those readers who possess a substantial mathematical equipment. For them, the revolutionary concepts of the theory are mathe- matically traced to their origin, and an elegant if not entirely complete presentation of the tensor calculus is given. The layman who, lured by the clear introductory argument, is tempted to struggle beyond the first chapter will find many pages to reward him. And when he becomes discouraged amid the mazes of skew-symmetrical tensors, and contra- variant vectors, &c., he will be comforted to remember that after delivering the lectures Professor Einstein is reported to have declared that probably at most only four members of his audience went away with any real understanding of the subject.