24 FEBRUARY 1923, Page 23

ECONOMICA. (T. Fisher Unwin. 2s. Bd. net.)

This excellent periodical, issued terminally by the London School of Economies, contains original papers of interest and importance. Professor Howley, in an elaborate study of " The Relation between Wholesale and Retail Prices since the War," suggests a formula by which one may predict the

cost of living index-figure feur montig ahead from the Statist wholesale food index-figure. Whether a mathematician could thus induce a profiteering retailer to moderate his charges is however, doubtful. An American student, Miss Emma Winslow, contributes an article on " Changes in Food Con- sumption among Working-class Families ' between 1904 and 1920. She concludes that all but the very poor fared well, and she notes that, whereas the average food expenditure in 1904 was 61 per cent. of the total income, it was only 49.7 per cent. in 1920. Since then, however, unemployment has modified the situation.