24 FEBRUARY 1923, Page 25


MESSRS. LAMPORT AND HOLT, LTD., are to be congratulated on having secured a singularly striking series of baggage labels for their Henderson Line of steamers, in which a bold angularity has been effectively used in a manner that one associates with Central European rather than with English commercial printing. Conventionalized steamers are shown in block silhouette against "poison-green" or "night-blue" skies or in white against black, whilst the sea is heraldically effective. Great play is made with the smoke streamers, and the lettering is of the rather square, rough-hewn sort, which, though perfectly legible, looks at first sight a little like Dutch or Norwegian. It is seldom that picture and printing are successfully combined into one coherent and satisfying whole, but in Messrs. Lamport and Holt's attractive labels