24 FEBRUARY 1956, Page 18

The opt ea tor

FEBRUARY 26, 1831

CHANCERY REFORM. Lord BROUGHAM, on Tuesday, introduced his great plans for the reform of Chancery, in a powerful speech of nearly four hours. He commenced by n ludicrous apology for his predecessors. Thi practice of Chancery was so involved and embarrassing—there was such a luxuriousness and intertwining of boughs, such an extension of roots, that whoever entered it very speed"5 found himself chained to his place, and reduced to inactivity by the overpowering influences of the errors which he was desirous to remove: Lord Brougham declared, that even durinfhIs brief sojourn, he was already sensible of t°„° hebetude which a station in that benumbil4 court almost naturally produced.