24 FEBRUARY 1961, Page 15

Lady Chatterley A. Hetherington, Martin Turnell Press Council George Murray,

Frank Singleton Mendes•France Professor D. IV. Brogan Please Don't Tease the Kangaroos 11. C. Beere The Licensing Laws A. M. Currer-Briggs

The Protection Racket Dr. A. E. Moore, Marion Wickson

Livy P. G. Walsh Drinks Soya Beans Day Sir Richard Nugent, MP Home Is Where Your Heart Aches Miss May Idler All Girls Together John Gammie


SIR,—Dr. Lcavis in his article on Lady Chatterley's Lover mentions a letter which the Guardian did not print. He does not explain why, it was not printed, It reached us more than a week after the trial fin- ished and three days after publication of the leading article to which, in part, it referred (it was a leader on the Archbishop of Canterbury's words to the Bishop of Woolwich).

During that time we had carried many letters on the case—more, indeed, than some of our readers could stomach. By the time Dr. Leavis's letter reached us we felt that the correspondence ought to be drawn to a close. We were the more sorry be- cause of Dr. Leavis's claim to write on the subject. Our reasons were explained to him at the time, but he chose not to accept them.—Yours faithfully, A. HETHERINGTON