24 FEBRUARY 1967, Page 25





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32 ACROSS Skilful about being against bridge? (zo) They . .. with wand.eringsteps and—Through Eden took their solitary way' (Milton) (4) Long live Majesty I (5) Yesterday abroad Archibald was positively angelic (9) Food for ponies carrying home the harvest? (4-4) She's a star in her own right (6) Investors find it 'a happy noise to hear' (4)

A 'right good' one provided a seat for 20 to Canter-

bury (4) Mr. Bond? (5) See 16 (5) Admits there's a snowstorm here (4) A cross is indicated for this unholy alliance (4) Inward-looking scientist (6)

Rendered by vox populi? (8)

An apple for Orinda, for example? (9) Yorkshire terriers? (5) 'Then the two hearts beating — to —' (Brown- ing) (4) Champignons for circular dark-green dance floors (5, 5) DOWN Municipal palindrome (6)

2 'And, Guy de Vere, bast thou no tear? Weep now or —' (Poe) (9)

3 Can't it be left untouched (6) •

4 The show that must go on I (to)

5 Always that dream of abroad comes up (4) 7 'A — habitation and a name' (Shakespeare) (5) 8 Journeymen? (9) 9 Old-fashioned big family provision man (7) 54 Neckwear for learners (4, 6) 55 Terpsichorean contribution to the harvest-home?

(4, 5) 78 Relatively speaking, one can't be closer (4-2-3) 19 Alfred de Musset's noble bird (7) 23 He cuts a fine figure in icy weather (6) 25 'Before some fallen — stone' (Arnold) (5) 27 One's astounded to see heating supplier having the last word (5) 28 A second letter might help in a way (4) Solution next week