24 JANUARY 1835, Page 10


STUCK Excuanot. now/ Airwomen.

The present has been a week of r ore importance than any recent one. The Money Market continues very firm. Cousols were on Wednesday as high as 914 for Money ; but the closing quotation of this afternoon is about # lovers, viz. 91.. The settlement of the January Consol Account occurred on Wed. needay; when much difficulty was experienced in adjusting the Accounts, in consequence of the scarcity of Stock, the price fur immediate delivery being at one time higher than that of Stock fire the end of February. In the course of yesterday, an extensive delivery of Money Stock occurred ; part of which was the result of a large sale by the Chancery Broker, and part supplied by an " eminent capitalist ;" and the price is consequently lower. The depression of India Stock, to which we referred in part of our last impression, has contitmed, and die price is to-day as low as 257.

The long-expected New Spanish Loan has at length made its appearance in the Market. Tuesday was the first day on which business commenced in it ; when it became a favourite object of speculation ; and the price rose on Wed- nesday to 14 premium. Some large sales were made yesterday, by parties to whom pm tious of the Loan have been adjudged, in payment of advances made by them to the Spanish Government ; which, connected with the report of the irruption of the Cailists into Castile, forced the price down to s premium. The market has assumed a firmer appearance to-day, and closes about I premium. From the arrangemeut with regard to the instalments and the disposition which always exists among speculators to prefer Scrip to Stock, the new Loan has withdrawn attention almost entirely from the old Cortes Bonds, which have fallen, and were at one time more than 2 per cent. below the price at which they were quoted on the day before the introduction of the new Loan. A slight improvement has, however, since taken place; and the disproportion this after- noon is not quite so great.

The price of Brazilian Bonds has improved, they being in very great de- mand. This rise is, we believe, attributable to the commencement of some arrangement with respect to the claims of Portugal upon the Government at Rio Janeiro ; but we are not aware of the nature of the proposed transaction. South American Stocks are rather in demand. In the Chilian a considerable rise has occurred ; but we do not believe that these movements are tiaccab!e to any thing more than a general belief in the speedy acknowledgment of the Republics by Spain.

The Mining Shares have generally improved ; and the rise in price has been most remarkable in the Del Monte and Anglu-Mexican.


Prices generally are the same as yesterday, with the exception of Portuguese Regency Bonds, the transactions have been quite unimpoi tent ; the price of these Securities is 893 and several purchases have been effe.cted at 90 for the middle of February. Spanish Bonds have improved, and are at 54/ a ; while the Scrip of the New Loan maintains its quotation at / and I ;nem.

a pet Cent. Consols

Ditto fur Account

New 34 per Cent. Annuities

lank Stock.

India Stuck .

911 914 994 2224 3 257+

Dutch 24 per Cents.

French 3 per Cents Greek, 1833.5 per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents.

Portuguese 5 per Cents 544

41 2 Exchequer Bills 42 3 Do. Regency Serip,SperCent

89t. t

Belgian 5ter Cents

994 4

Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent... 1684 9 Brazilian 5per Cents 824 4 Spanish. 1821.5 per Cent... 541 Dareish3 per Ceuts.. 76t 71 Ditto New Scrip t 1 pm.