24 JANUARY 1835, Page 9

Caution to the New House of Commons. The Tories are

at work in all quarters to secure the Speakership for their tool, MANNERS SUTTON. The newly-elected Members, more especially, must be upon their guard, and not suffer their votes to be filched. All sorts of false statements are and will be put forth. It will be pretended that the Opposition have no candidate against the late Speaker. This is false : the Liberals certainly will start a Reformer for the Chair, and, barring treachery, will carry him too. There can be no want of candidates : of those already named— A a EtteReat av, SPRING RICE, Lirme-roN —anyone, but more especially Mr. ABERCROMBY, is qualified to perform the really high duties of the Speakership of the Reformed Parliament infinitely better than the Tory tool, MANNERS SUTTON. The Liberal Mem- hers must, one and all, assemble on the very first day of the session, and defeat the enemy at the outset of the camplign. It will be impos- sible to look upon any man who votes for the Tory, or shrinks from voting against him, at such a time as this, in any other light than as a traitor to his party and the popular cause. His name should be in- stantly proclaimed to his constituents, and marked for exclusion at all

future elections.