24 JANUARY 1846, Page 11



There was a marked change for the better in the market on Monday and Tuesday: upon which days prices advanced 1 per cent. This improvement was oecasioned by the cessation of the sales on account of the Railway deposits, and the occurrence of a large purchase by a speculator for th of one month. It was expected that a notice to this effect wouldln indeed, from the known opinions of the principal men in th i speculators may be increased. The upward movement of the ifi

on Wednesday; and again in the course of yesterday afternoon, when the Speech delivered from the Throne at the opening of Parliament became known. The de- cline has continued this morning, the market having opened heavily; and though the purchases of the Government-broker on account of the Sinking-fund, Savings Banks, and Life Annuities, gave their usual impulse to prices, there has been but little sign of continued vitality; and the closing prices are only / per cent above the lowest quotations of the day. During the week, Consols for Money have risen from 93/ to 941, closing todiy at 94k; for Account the price from 94 has risen to 95k, closing at 941. Exchequer Bills have been more in demand, and the premium is today 20s. to 22s., an advance of 108. upon our last prices. The rate of discount for short-dated bills continues the same, viz. from 3 to si per cent; but so general appears to be the conviction among capitalists that circumstances will soon arise to give an increased value to money, that bills of long dates, although of the first cha raeter, are not discountable under 5 percent The Railway deposit question has been complicated by the failure of a joint-stock bank at Newcastle-upon- Tyne; which has been unable to produce the deposits upon railway shares in- trusted to its keeping, when called upon to do so; its liabilities are stated at about 400,000/.

The transactions in the Foreign Funds have not been important. Spanish Stock is firmer than last week; and there has occurred a trilling inquiry after Portuguese Securities. Generally, however, the prices of most of the current varieties have varied but slighty. There has been some appearance of a revival of business in the Share Markets, and prices generally had improved; the older and better class of shares having at one period advanced from 1/. to 51., and some inquiry having occurred for some of the better varieties of Scrip—these appearances have, however, for the most part been merely ephemeral; and prices today range nearly as in our last report; the downward reaction having completely neutralized the previous advance. From this remark we must except the several varieties of Indian Shares; all of which are inquired after, and which today nearly support the improved prices occasioned by the increase of the demand for them.

No great transactions have occurred in the Foreign Shares. The prices of the French are nearly the same as last week; and though bargains have been effected in some of the Belgian lines at slightly improved quotations, they have not been sufficiently extensive to allow us to do more than say that the appear- ance of the market for this description of Shares has improved. closing an account. A report was also prevalent, that in payment of the railway deposits, the Bank Directors were inc upon the security of bills of exchange, Zxchequer and In Bills, the usual weekly meeting of the Directors yesterday: but c probable that they will adopt any course of action by who already stated, was 'promoted by the circumstances alluded to, rece


Neither the statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the subject of the Railway deposits, nor that of Sir Robert Peel upon the Oregon question, have pro- duced any etiict upon the prices of the English or Foreign Funds; which are the same as yesterday. The business of the morning has hitherto been but trifling; and we can only at present notice the following transactions in Railway Shares: Direct Northern, 2*; Croydon, 22*; Manchester and Birmingham, 77.


The English Funds close rather more firmly; Consols for Money being 94* 1, while for Account the price is 941. Exchequer Bills, after being at 19s. and 228. premium, dose at 19s. to 21s. premium, without any material change. The business both in English and Foreign Funds has been unimportant : the latter are without variation.

a per Cent Consols .... 941

Columbian ax Venezuela... 16} 174

Ditto for Account

Danish 3 per Cents 3 per Cent Reduced 9414 Dutch 24 per Cents 594 60

34 per Cents 9644 Ditto 4 per Cents 94 5 Bank Stock 204 6 can 5 per Cents 1 Ditto Deferred 2

Long Annuities Mexican Exchequer Bins prem. 19 21 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 58 60 India Stock Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 • • • • 58 60 Brazilian 5 per Cents 81 3 Russian 5 per Cents 112 119

Belgian 44 per Cents 97 8 Spanish (Active) 5 periCente 28} 4•

Chilian 6 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 384 91

The Railway Share Market may be considered heavy: the transactions in it, however, have not been extensive ; as will be seen by the following report of

Paid. Business done.

100 Bristol and Exeter Direct Manchester (Rastrick's) Average Eastern Counties 40 Great North of England, New 100 Great Western 50 Great Western, Half-shares

100 70 54 14 16


85 50


84 3 41 4

221 604 163


Average London and Blackwall

16,13.4 9, 9

50 London and Brighton

50 674

Average London and Croydon


224 2 50 London and York 24 44 40 Manchester and Birmingham 40 77 Stork Midland 100

152 3

40 Midland, New

12 28 29

50 North Kent and Dover Direct

24 34

Average South-eastern and Dover

32.3.4 381

50 South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 1


191 1

50 South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 2 10



20 Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Cette (Mackenzie's) 2 2 20 Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Cott° (Espelete's) 2 2 20 Dutch-Rhenish


8 7} 20 Great Northern of France, ConsUtuted 5

15 144 4

20 Luxembourg 4 24 20 Namur and Liege 20 Paris and Lyons (Laffitte's) 4


34i 21 BANK OP 1240LAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32. far the week ending on Saturday the 1711, day of January 1540. Issue DEPARTMENT.

Notes Issued £20,573,910 Government Debt ..... £11,015,100

Other Securities . 3,954.500

Gold Coin sad Bullion


Silver Bullion 1,547,954




Proprietors' Capital

Rest ...........


3,341.777 Government Securities, (in- eluding Dead WeIghtAnnulty)C13,137,047 Public Deposits. 4,710.957 Other Securities 15,773.124

Other Depublta .

11,254.418 Notes 5,393.746

Seven Day and other Bills

1,009,030 Gold and Silver Coin 145,414



'Including Exchequer, Baling* Banks,Commitaloners of National Debt & Dividend Accounts. business occurring since the morning. Share.

00 Birmingham and Gloucester