24 JANUARY 1874, Page 1


rpHE week has been full of foreign rumours. Prince Bismarck, either desiring a new war with France, or resolved to humiliate France, or determined to convince the Pope that France is powerless to help, has directed Count Arnim to warn the Due de Broglie that as the French Government suppreises journals disagreeable to itself, it ought to suppress journals disagreeable to an ally. The Due de Broglie consented, and after a Council of Ministers, General Ladmirault was requested to suspend the Univers for two months, lest its articles should lead to diplomatic complications. Moreover, the Due Decazes, Minister for Foreign Affairs, on Tuesday mounted the Tribune, and without mention of Germany, which had probably demanded some such explana- tion, declared that no differenecof opinion existed between Italy and France, that all rumours of difficulties existing were "abso- lutely false," that the Marquis de Noailles had been appointed Plenipotentiary at Rome, because he was willing, "while surround- ing the Pontiff with sympathetic and filial solicitude," to maintain without any mental reservation, with "Italy, such as circumstances have made her," pacific and friendly relations, "which are rendered necessary by the general interest of France:'