24 JANUARY 1941, Page 27

THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 98 rizze of a Book Token

for one guinea will be given to the sender i the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be j,ned.Envelopes should be marked with the words "Crossword " and the NUMBER of the PUZZLE, and should be received .;1 later than first post on Tuesday week. No envelopes will be relied before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form ppearing below. The name of the winner and the solution will be piblislied in the following issue. avelopes containing solutions must ecti- a 21-d. stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solit- clis from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]


1. This musical instrument often features at its converse 2 words) (7, 5).

9. Leafy? (9).

o. Horse-play reversed about me (5).

1. Beatrice this was a beauty (5).

2. I see bacon in this (9).

3. Branch establishments in the deer park (7).

5. A female Moroccan is really county! (7).

-. Said the gate-crashing re- porter grandly (7).

9. Three nameless ones in a French palace? (7).

o. Characteristic of Father William (9).

2. "Liquid Peneus was flowing And all dark - lay In Pehon's shadow" (Shelley)

4. Sinned (5)- ;. What is John in the city? The local inhabitants (9).

6. The phrase of the invisible interrogator (2 words) (6, 6).


2. It produces a groan (5)-

3. It must be embarrassing for him to put his best foot for- ward (9).

4. You have to book in good time for these (7).

5. Little things the tribe ob- tains (7). 6. He rivals 3 in a different feature (5).

7. I'd no mines-Only the size (9).

8. The successful gardener keeps them at arm's length, though he always keeps them on hand (two words) (5, 7).

9. Dice collapse (anag.) (12). 14. Game for the self-conscious restaurant patron (three words (3, 3, 3).

16. "Man's love is of man's life a thing apart, 'Tis woman's whole -" (Byron) (9).

18. The opposite of backbone- less (7).

19. In this nothing is meant to be taken seriously (7).

21. In Latin it's just the same (5).

23. "This only grant me, that my - may lie Too low for envy, for contempt too high (Cowley) (5).