24 JULY 1841, Page 21


Tuesday, July 20.


Dares and Sowards. New Street, Covent Garden, victuallers -Coxon and Moore

junior, Sunderland, merchants-Fr and Douglas, Bridge Street, Southwark, batmanufacturers- Roberts out! Radcliffe. Manchester, engineers -Huthuauce and Co. }kyle, Cornwall, printers- Ottley and Broome. Manchester, wine-merchants- Crine and Berwick, Cannon Street Road., picture-frame-makers- Sheffield and Maughan junior, Old Fish Street, winemerchants-Briggs and Eastburli. Woodhouse Carr, Yorkshire, stovers - G. H. and It. S. Smith. Worthing, grocers- Baker and Bradford, Newton Bushell. ochre-merchants - Currie and Bowman, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, book- sellers-H. aud W. Hodson, Burton Extra, Staffordshire, coal-merchants-Stanley and Lillie, Liverpool, merehants-Kershaw and Buckley, Manchester, cotton-dealers - Coupland and Ross junior, Manchester, commission-agents-Smith and Cleverly. Southampton, grocers-Goodson and Westmaeott, Steward Street, Spitalfields, silk- manufacturers-Reekless and Davis, Regent Street, dealers in fauey-goods -Badgley and Coward, Kensington, apothecaries-Hardmeat and Healy, Wisbeach, ironmongers.


BERENBURGL JOHN, Bloomfield Street, London Wall, tobacconist.

SIDEBOTHAM, HENRY, Manchester, cottoematrufacturer.


BARLOW. JOITIY HENRY, 'Change Alley, stockbroker, to surrender July 27, Aug. 31; solicitors. Messrs. Taylor and Collison, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; official as- signee, Mr. Pennell. Basingliall Street. BASS. JOSEPH, Brecon, draper, Aug. 4, 31: solicitors, Mr. Fisher, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; and Mr. Watkins. Brecon. CATLIN, RICHARD, Leicester, glazier. Aug. 3, 31: solicitors, Mr. Gresham, Castle Street, Holborn; and Messrs. Payne and Caen. Nottingham.

COCKING, WILLIAM. Beestou. Bedf, rd.shire. tnarket-gardeuer. Aug. 3, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Rhodes and Co. Chancery Lane; and Messrs. Smith and Arsles, Bigglersde.

COPPLENTONE, JACOB. Plymouth. grocer. Aug. 10, 31: solicitors, Messrs. White and Borrett, Lincoln's lust Fields ; and Messrs. Jacobsou and Philips. Plymouth. DALY. CHARLES, Red Lion Square, bookseller, July 27, Aug. 31: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrance and Blenkarne, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Bekher, King's Arms Yard.

Dix, JOSEPH, Broad Street, Lambeth Walk; victualler, July 30, Aug. 31: solicitor, Mr. Dimrnock, Size Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street. FORD, HENRY, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. grocer. July 36. Aug. 31: solicitor. Mr. Catlin, Ely Place; official assignee. Mr. Turquaud, Copthall Court. HOPKINS, SAMUEL. Croydon, ;pacer, July 27, Aug. 31: solicitors, Messrs. Wilde and Co. College Hill. Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. Nswmax, Jetta. Lewes, saddler, July 31, Aug. 31: solicitor, Mr. Burkitt, Curlers' Ball, London Wall. RAvEracaorr. WILLIAM Riau's°, Manchester. banker, Aug. 3. 31 solicitors. Messrs. Makinson and Sanders, Temple; and Messrs. Atkinson and Sanders. Manchester.

Tassos, Joist. Oldham, grocer, Aug. 3. 31: solicitors. Messrs. Rickards and Walker. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; sod Messrs. Higginbottom and Co. Ashton-under-Lyne.

WALLET. WILLIAM, Salford, flour-dealer. Aug. 6. 31: solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Back, Chancery Lane; and Mr. Barrett, Manchester.

WILLIAMS. JOHN, Bangor, shipwright. Aug. 6, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Griffith, Penisarde, Denbighshire.


Aug. 10, Warwick, Billiter Square, merchant-Aug. 10. Exley, Riches Court, Lime Street, merchant -Aug. 16, Guy, Helston. grocer-Aug. 17, Forsell, Leicester, hosier- Sept. 3, Loraine, Newcastle-upon.Tyne, banker-Aug. 10. Stanley and Watson, Leeds, chdlomerchants-Sept. 28. Doughty, Bristol, victualler-Aug. 28, Hammond. Droyls- deu, Lancashire, bauker-Aug. 31, Newell junior and Harrison, Mauchester, grocers.


Tolle granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or bane Aug. 10.

J. E. aud F. New. High Street, Aldgate, stationers-Phillips, Regent Street. lamp- maker-Bennett, York Street, Portman Square, lodginghouse-keeper-M•Cheaue. Gloucester, merchant-W. and C. Burton, Bordesley, Warwickshire, iron bedstead- manufacturers-Mason, Calver. Derbyshire. cotton spinner-Christie, NS alworth Com- mon, brewer-Curl, Blackburn, cottou-spinner.


BAXTER. JAMES, Currielea, Perthshire, distiller. July 24, Aug. 13. CRAIG, lotus. Dalkieth, clothier, July 24, Aug. 16.

Dome, THOAIAS, Edinburgh, road-contractor, July 23, Aug. 13. DONALDSON, CHARLES, Cambusbairon, manufacturer, July 26, Aug. 16. llaavEr, WILLIAM junior, Campbeltown. tanuer, July 23. Aug. 13.

Friday, July 23.


Drake and Glover, Wakefield, Yorkshire, tobacco-manufacturers - Field and Rawson, Leicester -Robinsou and Blackburn. Bradford woolstaplers-Crook and Spooner, Gravesend, linendrapers-Robinson and Co. Cheadle, earthenware-manu- facturers; as far as regards D. and T. Robinson-Henry and Co. commission-agents; as far as regards IL Todd-J. and A. Stmiland, Kingston-upon-Hull, ship-brokers- Travis and Nunn. East Bergholt, Suffolk, surgeous-Johnston and Saul. Manchester. stockbrokers-R. and E. Dierben, Newton-in-the-Willows, Lancashire. farmers-T. and J. Acack, Stow-on the-Wold, auctioneers-Castle and Grayliug. Sittingbourne, surglEns-W. and J. B. Hudson, Manchester, calicernauufacturers-W. S. and H. Birch. Oldfield Road. grocers- Benyea and Co. Birmingham, gilt-toy-makers-Spurrier and Simpson. Seuthampton, saddlers-Milne and Co. Lancashire, cottou-spinners; as far as regards J. Hoyle-Sanguinetti and Spyer. Kingston, Jamaica.


MAYHERY, CHARLES, Old Brampton, lodging-housekeeper.


RILE, Joao, Blanchester, banker.


BALDRY, GEORGE junior, Ipswich, innkeeper, to surrender July 31, Sept. 3 soli- citors, Messrs. Wayman and Greene, Bury St. Edmund's; and Messrs. Walter and Pemberton, Symond's Jun. BurvEnworra, JOSHUA, Bermondsey, leather-factor, Aug. 3, Sept. 3: solicitors. Mes.rs. Rhodes and Co. Chancery Lane; official assignee. Mr. Cannan. Finsbury Sq. BUTTERWORTH, WILLIAM, Peckham, corn-merchant, Aug. 4, Sept. 3: solicitors, Messrs. Rhodes and Co. Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Camino, Finsbury Sq.

COLEMAN, Beau-Astro, Liverpool, stockbroker, Aug. 5. Sept. 3; solicitors, Messrs. Vincent aud Sherwood, Inner Temple; aud Mr. Ci Des, Liverpool.

CUNLIFFE, HENRY, Green Bask orth, Lancashire, shopkeeper, Aug. 14, Sept. 3: soli- citors, Messrs. Wigglesworth and Co. G:ay s Inn; and Mr. Robinson, or Messrs. Wil- kirtseu and Kenyou, B:ackburn. Fox, JOHN, Miuories, tailor, July 30, Sept. 3: solicitor, Mr. Biggeuden, Walbrook; official assignee. Mr. Turquaud. Coptball Buildings. GREEN. JOHN and WILLIAM, Wetherby, Yorkshire, timber-merchants, Aug. 6, Sept. 3: Solicitors. Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Leeman. York.

LINGSIAM, THOMAS, Cross Lane, St. Mary-at-Hill, wiue-merchaut, July 30, Sept. 3: solicitor, Mr. James, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basiughall St.

Memos, JOHN, Earl's Court, Leicester Square, cow-keeper. Aug. 4. Sept. 3: soli- citor, Mr. Smith, Baruard's Inn ; official assiguee. Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street.

NEorrow. WILLIAM and Joan. Macclesfield, silk-throwaters, Aug. 3, Sepot.1 3 soli- citors, Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Mausioulonme Place ; official assiguee, Mn, Peunell, Kiug's Arms Yard. Sraurrozt, CHARLES, Nine Elms, timber-merchant. Aug. 3, Sept. 3: solicitors, Messrs. Newbon aud Evans, Doctors' Commons ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings. WESTHEAD, RICHARD, Waterloo, Lancashire, victualler, Aug. 5, Sept. 3: solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn; and Mr. Yates, Liverpool.


Aug. 13, Wightman, Paternoster Row, bookseller-Aug. 13, Wheeler, Princes Street, Hanover Square, tailor-Aug. 14, Thorns, Warwick Square, printer-Aug. 16, Ni- cholson and Baylis, Canterbury, coal-merchants-Aug. 16. E. and J. F. Bennett. Canterbury, wine-merchauts-Aug. 16, Bloodsworth, Loughborough, miller-Oct. 5, Sadler, Cheltenham, linendraper.


Tulle granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Aug. 13. Osborne, Great Barr. Staffordshire, maltster-Marsden, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmar- thenshire, banker -Murch, Pancras Lane, metal-dealer—Homwood, Canterbury, baker-Elwell, Wolverhampton, japauuer.


M•GLAsuAN, JOHN FREEMAN, Glasgow. flax-merchant. July 30, Aug. 20. GORDON, HELEN, Stockbridge, Edinburgh. July 30, Aug. 20.

LAtro, Rosser, amid Boa% NEIL, Johnstone, Reufrewshire, cotton-spinners, July 27, Aug. 17. 1,D Drrosn, JOHN, and TA, LOH, JAMES, Glasgow, waterproof-manufacturers, July 29,

Aug. 16.

M'KENziE, JAMES, Edinburgh, jeweller, July 20, Aug. 20.