24 JULY 1852, Page 19


On the 15th July, Lady Roper, of a daughter, stillborn.

On the 15th, at the Rectory House, Woolwich, the Wife of the Rev. Henry Brown,

of a daughter. On the 16th, at Queen's Square, the Lady Mary Hoare, of a daughter.

On the 17th, in Park Lane, Viscountess Seaham, of a son and heir.

On the 19th, in Upper Wimpole Street, Lady Hodgkinson, of a daughter, stillborn. On the 19th, in Cadogan Place, the Hon. Mrs. Augustus Liddell, of a son.

On the 19th, in Eaton Place, the CoAaRnvtersnisciEofs.M ulgrave, of a daughter.

On the 21st, at Guernsey, the Hon. Mrs. Saumarez, of a son.

m On the 8th July, at Maggernie Castle, Perthshire, Fletcher Norton Menzies, only brother of Sir Robert Menzies, of Menzies, Bart., to Maria Steuart Menzies, sister of Ronald Steuart Menzies, Esq., of Culdares.

On the 8th, at Burnham, W. Cecil de Vere, Esq., Lieutenant R.N., fourth son of the late Sir Aubrey de Vere, Bart., to Sophia, daughter of John Allen, Eeq., orBurd. barn, Somerset.

On the 18th, at the residence of her Britannic Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary in Dresden, the Rev. James Senior, Rector of Compton Panneefoot, Somerset, to Louisa Frances, third surviving daughter of Daniel Smith, Esq., of Heilsberg, near Dresden.

On the 14th, at Middleham, Yorkshire, the Hon. Amiss Charles Orde Pcrwlett, to Annie Martha, only child of Christopher Topham, Esq., of Middleham Hall, in that county. On the 15th, at Cottisford, Oxon, the Rev. David Erskine Dewar, Rector of Edg- cott, Fellow of New College, Oxford son of the late Sir James Dewar, Chief Justice of Bombay, to Elizabeth Ann Fans, eldest daughter of John Billingsley Parry, Esq., .Q.C.

On the 15th, at Edgeware, Edmund H. W. Bellaire, Eaq., late of the Seventh Royal Fusiliers, and Exon of the Yeomen of the Guard, eldest eon of Sir William Bellairs, of Mulbarton, Norfolk, to Emilia Bellaire, youngest daughter of James Stevenson, Esq., of Grove House, Edgeware, and Ulthigton, Lincolnshire.

On the 17th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Henry John Nicoll, Eaq., of Old- fields, Middlesex, to Grace, daughter of Lewis Powell, Esq., of South Melton, Devon.

On the 17th, at St. James's, Piccadilly, Charles D'Aguilar, Esq., Captain Royal Horse Artillery, youngest son of Lieutenant-General Sir George D'Agullar, H.C.B, to Emily, second daughter of Vice-Admiral the Hon. Josceline Percy, C.B. Lately, at St. James's, Westminster, the Rev. Mackenzie Walcott, M.A., only son of Captain Walcott, R.N., M.P., to Roseanne, third daughter of Major F. Brown- low.


On the 6th May, at Fort Cox, Captain Alexander Lecky, Queen's Royal Regiment, only surviving son of Major Leaky. His death was caused by an accidental wound received on patrol the 22d of February.

On the 8th, drowned while bathing at the foot of a waterfall, Eubutty,


gherrles, India, James Robert, second son of James Stones, Esq., of Lyndhurst Road, Peckham ; in his 22d year. On the 10th, by a coup-de-sold', while in camp near the Swatt River with the force under Sir Colin Campbell, from Peshawur, Major Samuel Browne, Sixty-sixth, or Gboorka, Regiment ; in his 44th year. On the 10th, on board the Hon. East India Company's steam-frigate Zenobia, in the Rangoon River, Herbert Wilkinson, fourth son of J. C. Cobbold, Esq., M.P., of Ipswich; in his 17th year.

On the 24th June, at Port-au-Prince, Hayti, W. K. Gretton, Esq., H.B.M. Tice; Consul ; and on the 23d, Annie, his wife, daughter of Lieutenant-General Sir John F. Burgoyne. On the 13th July, in Mornington Road, Sophia Barrett; in her 90th year. On the 14th, at Burwood, John Nicholas Fazakerley, Esq. ; in his 66th year. On the 15th, at Norwich, Mrs. Collyer, Relict of the late Rev. Daniel Collyere formerly of Wrexham Hall, Norfolk ; in her 97th year. On the 17th, J. P. Vincent, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, and Wood- lands Manor, Kent, late President of the Royal College of Surgeons, Senior Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and Consulting Surgeon to the Magdalen; in hit 75th year. On the 19th, at Reigate, Anne, widow of the late William Matthews, Esq., of Whitelauda, Chelsea ; in her 70th year.

On the 19th, in Lynedoch Place, Edinburgh, Charles Bertram Taft, Esq.

On the 20th, in Orchard Street, Portman Square, Rear-Admiral Thomas Tudor Tucker, C.B. in his 78th year.

On the 20th, at 'Foshan Lodge, Staffordshire, Thomas Gisborne, Esq.

On the 21st, in Artillery Place, Finsbury Square, John James, Eaq., for twenty- one years Secondary of the City of London; in his 69th year.